Chapter 167. School of the gifted

[Congratulations, you have acquired map function]

[Congratulations, you have acquired spacial powers.]

"I guess I don't need to study this anymore now, do I!?" I felt a wave of excitement wash over me, I thought for a moment and the stone disappeared from my hands, it appeared in the inventory, the inventory could be seen on the system, I had information of everything stored within it as well.

I immediately started trying to put different things in my inventory to check out its limits, I came to find only two or three.

One is that the product I want to store in it needs to be a separated entity from the whole earth.

The second is that the product will degrade over time, I am not sure but my tea did become cold after fifteen minutes, so I don't have a preserving inventory, it's ok though,

The third is that only living things cannot be put in the inventory.

After I was satisfied with checking my new found powers I decided to check up on the Map function that just unlocked.

I gave a mental command and the minimap that was hovering in the corner of my vision started to get bigger until it took my whole sight.

I now have access to the whole map of the whole universe, I am spotting numerous Red dots, Blue dots, and yellow and green.

The green ones are those that are allies, Friends, and such.

Yellow are those that are neutral with me, Blue are those that don't know about me, which is the whole universe as no one outside of Earth should know of me.

Red are the enemies, those that have a vendetta against me such as Jameson, Oh my God!

I can see some real shit over here, Why are there so many red dots on this whole map,

I calmed myself, unfortunately I cannot identify the identity of these people.

Putting the mind wrenching thought that some people were after me aside, I decided to focus on the third gift the Stone gave me, the gift that keeps on giving.

The spatial powers that were given to me, though I kept concentrating and one felt a little bit of a foreign energy flowing through me, I didn't become Marvel, but I did get some kind of gift from this stone.

After three hours of gruesome training of sitting like a duck, I finally felt something,I pulled at this feeling and the next thing I know, I am knocked into the wall, specifically the walls of Oscorp building.

Was it because I was worried about my mother or something.

I checked my system and looked at the description of my powers, which I should have done a long time ago.

[Spatial powers: Through the blessing of the Universe, you have been given the powers of the space stone, it is up to you how you develop it and how strong you become.]

'Yeah! thank you so much for your kind info.'

I could only grumble and dust my hair, I left the place without repairing it of course, I will count it as me repaying him for all he did.

I flew back to the base quietly, I summoned a few clones to research on my new spatial powers and a few to complete my Ikki Template.

It will take me a week max to get that to a fifty percent.

Some people might say that I am too lazy for not training on my own, but I would like to tell them to DUCK Offf.

Do you know how hard it is to do one simple task continuously, it's boring.

While my Clone army is busy with that I will be doing something of my own, and that is, Tracking Hydra to the last bunch, now that I have a map like function, I can simply scout every single red dot and see who it belongs to,

Is what I thought, but it just blink in and out of existence, what I mean to say is that the red dots blink in and out of existence.

I only have a few thoughts about that, it means that my enemy, whenever it thinks about me, I get it's location or something like that.

I noted down some locations and investigated them, out of the thirty or so markers I investigated, only two of them were real threats.

I mean how the hell am I supposed to consider an old man who can barely walk my enemy, this shit is broken.

The two people whom I found to be real threats were just a rising gang that was watching my Videos and badmouthing me, though the fact that they were running a small shark business was the reason they got tied up and left for the police along with the evidence of their crimes.

I hope I don't see them anytime soon, My week was spent like that, scouting out filth like that, the map was a godsend, I was able to apprehend criminals even faster, crime was at an all time low.

Fury told me not to meddle in low crimes but I shut him up with a middle finger, I wasn't going to become some big shot and not pay attention to these little bastards that truly littered this city.

I was about to go ahead and do something that was bugging me for a while now, and the only reason I let it slide was because of Jean. She was finally back in Kamar-Taj, so no one was here to stop me from going to Charles and knee bashing his head in.

With a simple thought, I was now in front of the School for the Gifted.

'It's time you learned that Mutants aren't that special.' thought to myself, more like I projected out my thoughts.

I am sure that someone will be coming to open the doors, if it weren't for the little kids inside, I would have come like a hurricane.