Chapter 168 X-Men

Just as I thought, the doors to the school opened, I slowly flew in, and I was able to sense everyone that was inside, surprisingly there was no hostility on the map, not even one.

I landed at the main door as it was opened by a smiling Wolverine, I guess a smiling wolverine is what you get if you keep feeding him one of the best Booze in the world, I got some Drinks from the treasury of Odin, courtesy of Frigga as she apologized to me for taking back Enchantress

That doesn't mean I can't get back at that woman, sooner or later, she or Loki will come down, if it's her, I will bury her in the same spot I buried her lover, if it's Loki, well, I will get a bargaining chip for myself.

"Welcome, Now where is my booze?!" he asked almost immediately.

I took it out of my inventory, which was convenient, in this week, I have also come up with many ways to use my space powers.

He took a sniff and whispered "Good stuff" before motioning for me to follow him, along the way, the guy first went to his room, and stashed away the booze while taking one bottle with him as he finally led me to Charles's Office.

"So, why are you here, I doubt its to meet me," he asked me

"Thats not completely true, I am partly here to meet you as well, though my main reason for coming here is to talk with Charles " I replied

"Were they strong!" Logan asked me, I guess I was seen fighting those aliens by the whole world, wasn't i

"Not, if it were you, you would have been able to take care of them, though those leviathans might have proved to be a problem for you.

"Damn right I can Now tell that to TinCan" he yelled, the booze already affecting him.

I opened the door and inside Charles was sitting on his chair with a smile, I almost wanted to burn his face-off, but I calmed myself, one of the perks of being a Legiliemency expert

"Hello Mr Diggory, how may I be of help to the hero of Newyork "

He said to me, that smile still on his face,

"You damn well know what I am here for, you wouldn't be much of a genius if you didn't"

I yelled at him, a bit of magic leaking and wreaking havoc in his office.

Ororo or whatever her name was immediately came forward, though I just flicked my hand and she was stuck to the wall with a transfigured spear staring her in the eyes

"Move and I will not guarantee your safety," I said to her, before she could spout some bullshit I covered her mouth

Thats when I felt someone trying to force his way into my mind

*Partner, you want me to kill this little insect*

"Heh! nope, just scare him and throw him out, I have some pests to deal with," I replied to him as several presences started moving towards my location

Logan sliced the doors apart and barged in, his hands were ready to dice anything that stood in his way, though he was surprised when he saw an unconscious Charles, though what really made him furious was the hanging Ororo

"Let her down," he said slowly as he made his way toward me.

"No, not until she promises to be civilized," I told him, I really didn't want to fight him, as I was thinking about having him meet Captain, he was after all a soldier.

By the time, several figures were gathered in the room,


The Tin Guy that Logan hates


A guy that had bones sticking out of his arms


Scott who was standing the furthest fired a beam at the spear that was aimed at Ororo, which allowed her to get free from my bindings.

The Metal Man came rushing at me so, as he was about to slam his fist at me,


He got stuck in his place, a weird blue aura surrounded him, this was a move I learned using my space powers, I call it the space cage.

Not a prison because it only catches a single person.

Kitty ran towards me along with Scott who had a grim face, they knew who they were facing.

"What did you do to the Professor!" Yelled Kitty as she tried to kick me in the face, I easily blocked her and returned the courtesy with a gentle fist to her solar plexus, though it send her flying back to where she came from.

The Metal man who was being held in place was finally able to break himself free and caught Kitty Before she could get hurt.

"Guys ! the professor, he isn't waking up," Scott said as he started slapping Charles.

"What did you do to him, why isn't he waking up"

He yelled at me,

"he is fine, for the time being, that is. He tried to forcefully enter my mind, but rather than giving me an explanation for what he did, he decided to be a controlling scum" I said.

The X_Men looked at me. Already at guard against me, my map showed them all as red dots on the map, even the kids outside were now in red. and I hope to God it's just normal hatred for someone that invaded their haven and not because Charles turned them into mindfucked idiots.

The only person that was now in green, was Logan himself I looked at him meaningfully, he didn't want to fight I guess.

*Partner! i am sending him back*

Suddenly the calm and sleeping beauty woke up with a startle, Yelling hysterically as soon as he saw me until Scott caught him, trying to make him calm down

All the X-Men looked at Charles with surprised expressions, to them all, Charles was not someone that could be easily scared.

"You monster, you are no better than the ones who came from above" Ororo yelled at me

"Oh yeah, and what were you doing when those from above came, you were hiding, while I took on an army of aliens that were sent to ravage the Earth" I yelled at her.

She was about to retort but I had enough of them

"I only came here to get justice, did any of you know that this fucked up boiled egg of a telepath mind-controlled Jean and everyone that was close to her" what I said brought voices of shock and disbelief from the ones that were present, what I said caused them to look at Charles.

Charles was too broken to react, he was clutching his head, I dont know what Ddraig did to him, but I don't wanna know

"It's a Lie, probably one of your tricks, and that Jean as well, she is a traitor" yelled Scott as he stood up and adjusted his visor ready to emit his beams at me.

"Traitor to whom, traitor to this son of a bald eagle that likes to snoop in everyone's mind and fuck up their memories or a traitor to this little hellhole where you guys think you are making a difference" I punched Scott far away probably broke a few bones as well.

"If you guys had acted during the war, would you all not have received that warm welcome from humans, tell me why Charles didn't ask you all to participate, why !"

I tried to make them understand, and I think I did.

Logan was back in his normal form, no longer looking like he was about to slice me. Though now he was looking at Charles with a bloodthirsty face.

"Oldman...OLD MAAANNN! "

Charles was now hanging in the air, Logan was holding him by the throat

"You know how much I hate that, do you know how it feels like when your memories are incomplete, not knowing who you are and who you were, DO YOU"