Chapter 170

Unknown to Jack, what he did grabbed the attention of the Hellfire Club and its inner circle members, they saw how Jack easily trampled upon the X-Men.

But unlike how others would feel dread, they felt humiliation, They felt for unknown reasons as if he was mocking them

He was mocking the Mutant race as a whole

"What are we going to do about him"

a woman asked as she drank from her glass, her figure along with all the others was filled with darkness, their faces couldn't be seen.

The others also discuss what to do with him, as if dealing with Jack was something easy as if his life was in their hands. Such was their hubris, they had been existing and acting as lords for a long time, and several powerful people were a part of this group, mainly those that were evil and powerful.

Though what they didn't know was that their inner circle was composed of a variable race of humans, humans that possessed astonishing powers.

Soon the inner circle was filled with noise until a man who was calm and composed spoke up. Immediately everyone else went quiet.

"You all know I hate noise," the man said, a very weird helmet on his head, everyone who heard him tensed up.

"As for this ant that dared to harm us, we shall deal with it, he is nothing much, if he has strength, I shall take it. if he has the power I shall take it, if he has fame I will take it. everything in this world belongs to me" the man said

Everyone held up their glasses, as a show of respect before downing them, Jack had a new target on his back, one that was painted on his back by an unknown force, one that sought revenge.

Meanwhile, the forces of earth were being rattled by the said unknown force, the said person was watching everything that went on with glee, this person had dark green hair and a face that promised trickery, he was sitting on a lavish chair in a prison that felt more like a hotel suite.

This person was a God of mischief and trick. This god was the god of mischief, Loki.

Loki hadn't forgotten the defeat he had suffered at the hands of the mere mortal, how all his plans were thwarted by a single mortal, the mortal had dared to foil his plan and he was going to pay for it.

"Let's see you deal with this mess, Hero of Midgard," said Loki as he watched his mother come in, with a plate full of exotic and rare delicacy,

The previous expression disappeared from his face and what replaced them was pure happiness, perhaps the only one that he cared for was his own mother, stepmother but she felt like the only real person to him.

Odin was a manipulative bastard, Thor was an idiot and so were the people of Asgard, Only Frigga was worthy of his love and affection, the only one he wouldn't hurt, but that mortal had dared to step foot in these palace walls and take up his mothers time, he was never going to accept that, the mortal needed to die.


Jack grit his teeth and got ready to feel the pain of his life, Ddraig had told him that the process would hurt him like never before, that he would feel the pain of a thousand swords stabbing him.

But he waited for five minutes and nothing happened


"You bastard" Jack sighed as he rubbed his temples

*Gagajajaja! what did you think it was, a cutlivation novel, things don't work like that, you will just need to go into a deep sleep* Ddraigs laughter boomed in Jacks head.

He sighed, the dizziness already spreading in his body

"How long it will take, I don't think my clones can last for more than a month," Jack said

*Thats enough for now, now go to sleep, brat*

With the final words from Ddraig, Jack laid down on the ground and fell asleep, unknown to him, a big enemy was planning to get him out of the way.

During the month, The clones of Jack got to work with Tony and after a bit of hustle and help from Fury as well, they were able to set up a company, the fact that this was a company made by their beloved hero.

Every known scientist was running in to get a place, while inside a house, Martha was looking at a magical paper in her hands with wide eyes

"Oh my God! I got invited as a head scientist in Alchemax"

She shouted at the top of her lungs and did a little victory dance.The clone of Jack looked at her, as he joined her and danced along with her

Suddenly she went quiet

"What's the matter mom" Asked Jacks Clone

Although he was a clone, but their feelings were the same, except for their attitudes.

"I don't think that Oscorp will allow me to leave...i am too valuable to them"

"You don't need to worry about that"


Martha wa surprised as she looked at her son, he felt unusually dependable at this moment

"I mean, you are going to join the company of one of the most powerful people on Earth,I don't think Osborn is stupid enough to pressure you, and. if he does, Ugh!" The clone rubbed his head.

"Don't think about things like this...but I guess you are right" Martha said as she out down the weapon of destruction

"Damn right I am!"

"Eat your food,don't talk"



"Okay" the clone sighed as he ate his meal


I think I forgot to mention that Selvig died, or maybe I changed the plot but if I didn't mention.anything about it means he is dead.Enchantress killed him


plus I am getting complains that the grammatical errors and the story seems off a little, I will make sure to fix that