Chapter 171

Jack slept soundly for the most of the time.While Jack was peacefully sleeping, His clone was setting up the company, it didn't take much time and when night fell, The company was about to be completed

All the legalities were taken care of and the media and the public was looking forward to what this had in store for them, Jack wasn't in any need of the company, as he already eradicated most diseases that rid the city.

His only task was to help his mother, but the Clone saw potential in it, He contacted Tony and and together they started working on a product, Baymax

A fluffy not that provided its master with effective care.Had several built in functions.By the time they were done, the month passed and Jack finally woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself in a place that looked like it went through hell, the walls of the Danger room were riddlewd with cracks and look3d like they would break at any given moment

Jack shakily stood up

*Be careful partner, you will feel some changes in your body...and congratulations.*

"Yeah. So was it good"

Jack asked

*Yes, now you are officially half-dragon*

Jack opened up his status screen and sure enough, another tab was present

[Name: Jack Silver]


[Overall power level: Demi-God]

[Equipped Template:None]

[Owned Templates:Cedric Diggory, Midoriya Izuku(completed), Madara Uchiha(99 percent), Ikki Kurogane(45 percent)]

[Special Template:Boosted Gear (Balance Breaker unlocked)]

[Equipment: Enchanted clothes, OFA suit, Kahopachi staff]

[skills:Mystic Arts, Superior Wizardry and Witchcraft, Spider physique, Illusion magic intermediate, Transformation magic intermediate, Asgardian magic]

[draws left:0]

"So now I am half a dragon, which means that I have some good stuff as well"

*Yes! now you can live for a long time, though becoming a dragon king or Heavenly dragon will allow you to live longer, You also have the Strength, Speed, Defense, magic, etc of a dragon, but it also means that you will be affected by Anti Dragon weapons*

Ddraig elaborated, Jack nodded at that, he felt that the advantages far out weighted the disadvantages. With a simple self-scene, he felt the changes. he was so much more than before. Suddenly Jack received the memories of his clone, he had only left two Clones on the scene to deal with things that needed dealing.


The clone that got disappeared was the one tasked with dealing with the criminals of New York, as well as keeping an eye on the activities of the Sceptre, since I had forgotten where the location was, I wanted to make sure that if this world had a version of Wanda, that she didn't become our enemy or anything.

And as I expected, my clone got some results, they were finally found, the Hydra were conducting, or about to conduct experiments on various mutants and the two siblings were among them,

If it weren't for the lack of chakra, my clone would have acted on it's own and would have freed them already.

I ran a hand through my head,

'Can't even get a good enough sleep'

*You were sleeping for a month*

"It's not the same thing"

I didn't hear any reply from Ddraig, he must be exhausted after working to turn my heart into that of a dragon for a whole month,it's best if I let him sleep.

I was about to reach for the door when it blew up

*Maybe you should take a day and train yourself, if you don't want to accidentally kill yourself*

"Hmm, how about we try it on live subjects"

I replied as a smirk make it's way on my face

*You mean it!* Ddraig sound3d excited,

he always used to nag me for dragging things too long..and I guess I was doing just that, Hydra was something that needed to be dealt with, and the base we discovered was one of the main bases.

"Damn sure I am!"

*Hahaha! now you are acting like a real Dragon,I like it,I think I can stay awake for another day*

With a cackling dragon in my head,I disappeared from the lair, and reappeared in a forest area in Sokovia.

The place that had the mind stone, as well as several scared mutants that were being held against their will, except for two idiotic siblings

From what the clone was able to gather, they have already considered helping the wrong people.

I didn't push around and made myself appear in their line of sight, seeing a man suddenly appear would make them greedy, but when that same man is the person that can kill gaint Creatures that can from outer space with a single punch, lets just say that the whole base started blaring.

No doubt in the next moment, many missiles were launched as well as snipers and tanks started moving along with the fearful shouts of the hydra soldiers.

Seeing the missiles coming at them, Jack didn't bat an eyes,

*Let em hit you, or you can just backslap them, these things will barely make you itch*

Jack did just that as tens of Missiles hit him.

The whole area was engulfed in fire and smoke.

A man was standing inside the control room of the Hydra base.

He raised the radio near his mouth

"Did we get him"

Suddenly the smoke cleared up as if to smite him in the face, on the burned down ground stood a lone figure, this time he was in his Signature costume, with not a single injury in sight

"Impossible! Fire, Fire away, bring out all the weapons, use the energy weapons as well, bring down that motherfucker"

The man yelled as he left the control room , probably to run away, unfortunately for him the whole place was sealed off,


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3