Chapter 173

While Jack was having the time of his life, exploring his newfound powers, inside his lair, a bunch of mutants appeared in the cells that were designer for the prisoners.

"Where are we!" a girl with chocolate colored skin asked as she looked around, she brought her hands forward, as if to do something but nothing happened

"I-cant use my powers"

She said before she slumped down , sliding against the glass walls that separated her from the others.

Other were also having similar experiences

At this moment when they lost hope, they saw someone enter their...prison

"Ah! it's spiderman"

Peter who came to the lair using the portkey heard some shouts from the prison rooms and came to investigate, when he saw kids of various age and some adults in the cells, he was surprised.

"What the hell"

Peter exclaimed, Thankfully he had his mask on.

He was just here to ask Jack about the features regarding his suit's AI.

"Spiderman help us, we have been kidnapped, please"

An Elderly man said, he had two horns on his head

"What are they" Peter thought silently

It was a given that these people were afraid and scared shitless , from one prison to another, that was their life

In fact some of them didn't even know about him, so the mutants took their time getting to know him through word of mouth

"Alright !calm down everyone,I am sure there is an explanation for all of this, this place is a prison for bad people"

"But we arent bad" a small girl came forward and said, her voice shook with every word, Peter could see cuts and signs of abuse on her, This left him feeling dread, along with a very very dangerous thought.

"I know ,I know, you are a good person,what's your name , little girl" Peter cooed her, easily passing through the weird transparent prison as it was designed to not be restricted for those that he saw fit.

"My name is Bella"

"Oh,such a nice name, well, my name is Spiderman, you can call me spidey, here, take this while I help you out"

Peter gave the girl a chocolate,the same one he gets everyday by helping the elderly pass the road.

After the girl became calm, Peter immediately left the place in order to contact Jack.

He didn't know how these people came here , so asking Jack was the next best thing.As soon as Peter left the prison wing, Jack appeared along with a certain mad scientist

The other captives were surprised with Jacks appearance, but what was more surprising to them was the other man who looked like he had seen better day

"It's him,it's that rat bastard!" the same man who had horns on his head yelled as he pointed at Strucker.

Jack didn't pay them any mind as he started scaring the sheet out of Strucker.

While all of this was happening, two siblings held each others hands tightly, these two were Wanda and Pietro Maximoff twins

Jack kept combing through Struckers mind until he was able to extract every valuable piece of evidence that was available.

He came to know about various things , various Husra secrets were now in his grasps, He was able to get the location of three major Hydra Bases, Ten smaller bases and some very powerful political figures who were working for Hydra.

With a single snap of his fingers, Strucker was shredded into countless bits.Jack took a moment to look around him.

He was seeing the scared faces of the mutants he just saved

'I think I scarred them for life...but why am I acting this way'

*Dont worry,that's just a normal reaction, you will go back to normal in a week or two*

Jack sighed as he got out of the prison.As soon as he got out, he was met with Ricky and Peter ,of course Peterwas wearing his costume.

"Jack! I have been looking for you, what happened here, where did all these people come from." Peter fired off questions one after the other.

Rick who was standing by the side was looking at everyone in the cells,"They are mutants" he said

"Sorry what!?" asked Peter, as he wasn't well informed

"They are Like Ricky here,people born with powers, some people find out about them and capture them for obvious reasons"


"Anyway, Peter,I want you to escort all of them to the Medical wing One by one, some of them are hurt.I Rescued them , they will need some time to cope."

Jack told Peter, Peter nodded and started addressing everyone present.Jack was able to feel the fear in the air, another one of his new perks, it was better to let Peter handle it.

Peter was going to become one of the interns in Alchemax sooner then later , it will be good to have a super powered person have his mothers back.

According to the Clone, his mother was already getting prepared to change trains.She was ready to join Alchemax

It had been some time since he personally spent some time with his mother, so he decided to go home today himself and have a nice dinner with her.

God knew he was suddenly missing his family, his only family, perhaps it was the effect of his new powers or just plain old homesickness


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3