Chapter 174 Going to school, A normal day

I woke up the next day to the sound of chirping of the birds and the rays of the sun slithering into my dark room.

It's been a while since I have slept in my own bed, I am always busy here and there, and I haven't even put much attention to school, With all the things that were happening around me, it kept me busy, though now that The New York war was over, I will be able to give himself some time, along with my friends.

I mean, they are giving me a part of their time, while I give them a measly Clone, one that's not able to portray myself to them.

Heck! I know for sure that the one who keeps attending school in my place acts as a complete introvert.

With a sigh, I got off the bed, I was training the whole week to get my strength and senses under control.

Even now I feel them sometimes going out of whack, that's the only reason I still haven't accepted the rewards for the mind stone, I already have a lot on my plate right now

I got the mind stone where the fort that I bombarded previously stood.

The mutants are also taken care of, I didn't hand them over to SHIELD or Charles, or whoever is now in charge at the Xavier school, I hope Charles doesn't think of revenge from me, I did kill his brother.

With a simple spell I washed my face and cleaned my teeth, I walked downstairs and had a good meal with my mother.

She was excited to meet her new boss, Which is Ricky, the guy is a genius, and from what he told me, he can manage being a CEO,

I chose an apartment complex that was full of shits, in the Hells kitchen and turned it into a beauty overnight, Tony will also be helping me if anything comes up.

Our first product that launches will be a chemical formula that I invented, more like my clone did, but he is me, so maybe it does count.

It comes in a spray bottle and provides immediate effects, such as stopping a bleeding wound. Healing rashes, Healing Scars, I even made a spray that causes your face to stay beautiful, now Actresses dont have to pay a shit ton of money to stay beautiful.

After saying my goodbyes, I sat on my bike and made way to my school, it's been a while since I stepped in.

Hearing the familiar sounds of teens talking to each other about what they thought was cool made me roll my eyes

"Feeling down already"

"Hey Felicia, you are early" I greeted her since she doesn't like to be the one to greet first,

"Nah! I just felt like coming over early, it's not like I have anyone waiting for me" she said in a sad tone, which was quickly replaced by her previous one.

"Anyways, are you excited for tonight!" she asked, almost squealing, that was new

"For what exactly"

"You dolt! I knew you would forget" she pouted and pinched me on the arms, that wasn't possible anymore, so I faked being in pain.

"Peter and Gwen are going on a date," She said with excitement

"But what's that got to do with us!" I asked a little confused

"Come on! are you telling me you don't want to follow them in secret to make sure that nothing bad happens," she said self righteously, though I knew it was a load of bull

I looked at her dead in the eyes, as if saying,' I don't believe you'

"Alright Alright I just wanna see how it goes, but you will come with me please," She said

I was about to deny her, as it would be rude of us to intrude, but decided against it, it wouldn't hurt to keep a watch over my buddy, what if something does happen

"Sigh! ok"

"Yeah!" Felicia shouted in excitement, which garnered us the attention of the whole corridor, so we hastily escaped to our classrooms.

We sat in our class and waited for Our friends to come, the class was only half-filled at this moment, it was a habit for Peter to come late due to his nightly activities..that came out wrong but I didn't mean that.

But Gwen was an early worm, it was surprising for her to be late.

At this moment, the class suddenly started buzzing with the voices of everyone.

"What are they so excited about," I asked Felicia who was sitting beside me

"Ohio! so you are finally trying to pay attention to the happening in the mortal world"

She said in a sarcastic voice, I guess my introvert clone didn't sit well with her

Though before she could answer, I was able I understand what happened

Through the door, a couple came in all lovey-dovey, it was Mary Jane and Harry Osborn, while Mary Jane was full of happiness that was genuine, so much so that it breached his suppresser senses, Harry on the other hand was just doing this for fun and he could feel it, he could feel the man having some fun.

"So that's it, I thought some celebrity was coming over or something," Jack said in a low voice

"You could call her a small-time celeb though, she did star in some scripts and a few commercials, but I don't know if it's because of Harry or just her own talent" Felicia said as she eyed Mary Jane for a while before she looked at Jack who was now busy on his phone.not caring about what other normal teenagers would usually care about,taking about stuff like this for days

"He looks and feels like himself today,"

Felicia thought to herself, the train of thought was broken once the others arrived.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3