Chapter 176

MJ closed her eyes, she couldn't believe what was happening, she was friends with liz, the cheerleader

They were good friends and often hung out, one day she introduced her to other friends, namely Harry and Flash Thompson, who was Liz's boyfriend at the moment judging from the way he held her by the waist.

What earned her interest was Harry Osborn, a rich second generation, she thought he would be the same as any other rich guy, all arrogant and condescending.

She was surprised when she saw how he acted, a gentlemen and kind person, before she knew it, she fell in love with him, they would spend their days in class ogling at each other.

Harry wanted something more, But MJ felt like she couldn't reach that stage yet so she denied him, She half expected him to lash out, but he was so understanding and accepted it.

The most far they went was kissing and MJ was content with it, however, what she didn't know was that Harry wasn't.

He was an arrogant ass that would play with the feeling of anyone that fancies him, have his way with them and then have daddy dearest deal with the aftermath, and she was his newest victim.

Liz wasn't a true friend to MJ, when Harry told her that he was interested in MJ, she was filled with anger for the redhead. Rather than helping her, Liz did her best to antagonize Harry into acting, she filled his head with various ideas, Harry being the son of a nutcase wasn't that hard to fool.

The truth is that Liz like Harry, was sweet at first when he joined the school but later on he became what he was now.

As Liz smirked, watching as the hand was about to slap MJ, her expression changed when someone she knew all too well came into view.

Jack stood in front of MJ, his hand gripping Harry's in a vice like a grip, slowly he started to apply pressure and Harry felt like his bones were going to break.

The guards came to stop him, this place belonged to Norman, and they already knew what would happen if something happened

They rushed at Jack with the batons in hand, but before they could understand what was happening, they were sent flying by a powerful kick from Jack, who had a blank look on his face, he didn't even turn around and just sent them away with a casual kick.

Peter was also surprised as he stopped mid sprint,

"Jack! what are you doing here" Peter asked, confused meanwhile Gwen had a blush on her face as Felicia was teasing her.

"I come here regularly." - Jack said as it wasn't a lie, though it was debatable if he would be able to come here again.

"Oye! release him you silver freak" Flash got out of his stupid and rushed at Jack, But before Jack could move, a plate came flying and hit him square in the face, which knocked him out.

Felicia winked at Jack, he only nodded at that.

Liz was too stunned to do anything as Jack took MJ and everyone left the place.

Not before Jack used magic to destroy all the evidence,including the phones that were pointing at him, if they didn't help, Jack won't help them earn Views as well.

They sat in Felicia's car and drove away, The girls calmed down the crying mess that was MJ.

"That bastard Osborn, Daddy always told me to steer clear of him, I guess that's why." said Gwen as she wiped the tears away from MJ's face.

'My bike!' Jack thought before he decided to go back later and get it, the situation was a little fragile right now.

"Honestly! out of all the people you could have hung out with, you went with them, they are all bullies." Felicia reprimanded MJ who started bawling her eyes out again.

Gwen glared at Felicia which shut her up. Though what she said wasn't really false, Why would MJ go out with them?

MJ finally calmed down as the car came to a stop, Jack saw an ice cream truck and decided to get something for everyone.

"I want Strawberry!" Felicia shouted at him.

He sighed and bought one for everyone, Peter helped him, as they all at their ice cream, Jack was thinking about what to do, He wasn't really close to MJ, but she was still an innocent, he couldn't just let Harry roll over her.

'I need to get some dirt on this ducker, and if he is a scum, bye bye Harry it is.' Jack thought to himself.

"Let's just hope that they don't put charges on you, and MJ as well since Harry, according to my father is someone that holds a grudge." Gwen told them as they neared her home.

MJ froze up, she wasn't ready for such a thing, not was her broken family that was broken both emotionally and financially.

"Don't worry, he won't be pressing any charges on any of us." Jack said, although it didn't help to calm down the scared MJ, Even Peter was a bit worried as he wasn't doing that we'll financially, at least to the world this was true.

"How are you so sure." Asked Gwen.

"Let me talk to my dad and we can see-"

"No need, don't get him in this mess." Jack said.

Gwen didn't speak after that, after dropping her off, Felicia dropped off both Peter and MJ, they lived close to each other so Peter decided to walk her rest of the way.

While they were driving back to get his bike.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" asked Felicia.

"Fight like what? I just kicked him."

"Yeah exactly my point, nobody can be that strong, without some form of training." Felicia replied.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3

plus does anybody know what caused my other two stories to not be shown in the freshstories category meanhwile even the stories with a 1000 chapies are still on it,any author here