Chapter 177 dealing with Osborn and the party

"I took some self defence classes, as you can see, having unique characteristics can cause bullies to come at you." He said as he pointed at his hair.

Felicia felt some doubt but wasn't able to continue the talk as they arrived at the hotel. He bid her goodbye and walked toward his bike.

As expected the security had taken his bike, he bashed them and went away. No need to deal with pests.

His mother was busy in the company matters, He had Ricky task her with recruiting Dr. Cho, a character from MCU, who was able to make medical pods that could be used to graft new muscles and skin

He clicked his ear piece and a 'ting' sound was heard from it.

"Sky, I want you to help me get all the dirt you can on Harry Osborn, lets's give this little scum a scare for his life."

He said as another ting sounded, Jack sped away towards his lair, and after ten minutes of driving his bike, He finally reached his destination.

Walking in he was met with Bruce who was showing Tony around the place, he promptly ignored them as he had something to do now and it would be better if Tony didn't find out about this, cause he will be able to connect the dots and find out about his identity. He would rather tell him himself later.

The sky was his AI, just like an AI he made for Spiderman, he was also using Silent previously but decided that he should have a separate one.

Though his AI was vastly different and inferior to Tomy's, he wasn't that invested in AI.

A couple of documents were now on his screen, Jack read them and after five minutes of going through some of the shady stuff that Harry did and Osborn helped him cover it up, Jack was appalled.

One particular file had him grow angry, apparently, Harry had impregnated a girl, later when she asked him to take responsibility, he had her beat up, when the matter became bigger, Daddy dearest came forward and wiped everything under the rug

As in having her involved in an accident and threatening her parents and closing the matter, influencing the media, namely Daily Bugle into swaying the public.

Jack sighed heavily as he stretched in the chair.

"Release the evidence, have everyone chew out Oscorp, I guess stocks will be lower so buy them if possible." Jack said to Sky who was as quiet as ever, a single 'ting' sound was the only voice module he had installed in her.

After finishing up with her he met with Tony who told him that the Baymax prototype was ready and was on its way to a nearby children's hospital.

Jack and Tony both enjoyed a celebratory drink, hopefully, the tests come out positive so they can mass-produce it. The Baymax was designed to be extremely user-friendly with a basic AI, Jack made sure that Tony wouldn't make this an Ultron kind of situation in which the chubby guy was trying to rid the world of filth, filth being humans.

Bruce also joined them and they had a small party, which reminded Tony about why he was here.

"You are having a party?" Jack asked.

"Yeah! we did save the world... I guess Earth." Tony said, though he sounded unsure at the end as planet Earth was now not alone.

"So, when is it!?" - asked Jack.

"I am not so sure about that." - Bruce replied.

"Oh come on Brucie! there will be a lot of hot girls over at the party, even Natasha, a busy spy is coming, don't stay holed up in this place." Tony said grabbing Bruce in a vice grip.

"Alright, I guess! When is it, you didn't tell." Jack asked again, he could only smile wryly at Tony who was trying to tease and annoy Bruce.

"Oh yeah! it's in a week, bring a plus one if you want." Tony said.

After spending some time, he went back as Jack turned on the news, it was exploding with the deeds of Harry and Norman, some being rumors and others with evidence.

This will put Norman in a bind, I am sure he won't have the time to deal with minor things now.

With nothing to do I decided to solidify my foundation, as in train in the abilities that the boosted Gear gave me.




~Soul trasnferal

~Balance breaker

~Try and make variants of the balance breaker

I was already used to Boost and Transfer, so I had to train in Balance breaker, soul transfers and Penetrate.

In the blink of an eye, the week ended, I was getting ready for the party, A lot of influential people were coming, including everyone from the Avengers,

"Trust me, you got this, and if you do Hulk out, I will send you to the mirror dimension alright." I assured Bruce, dragging him through the portal.

Bruce was now aware of Hulk and his needs, and that being to fight once in a while among other things, he told me that hulk was surprisingly a good artist, The Hulk could draw, that was a big surprise for me.

Needless to say, we would sometime let him lose in the desert area and play around with him.

The guy was a child, he was a newborn so to say and came to be when Bruce was radiated with Gamma rays.

Bruce was now able to hear a word or two from Hulk now and then, and that was a step towards their betterment, From my perspective, Hulk was a brother of Bruce.

Shaking these thoughts away, I entered through the portal to the other side, the balcony of the stark tower.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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