Chapter 178

It was pretty hectic as everybody swarmed me once I entered, which further annoyed Bruce who was already feeling nausea.

I reckon he will have to improvise, and improvise he did, he duckin left me to fend for myself, traitor!

Several political figures gave me a congratulatory toast and commended me for my effort during the war, I gave them vague reply as they tried to invite me for further 'talks.'

"Sky, I need you to investigate every single one of them." I told Sky, my personal Non responsive AI.

These guys were probably trying to bring me into their foul play or something, it didn't hurt to be careful.

Before they had the time to accelerate their plans, Tony intervened and took me with him, I expressed my thanks to which the bastard asked me for more whiskey.

I just hope he doesn't turn into a fire breathing man, it did happen, a wild myth in the wizarding world about the side effects of drinking excessive firewhiskey, though butterbeer was relatively safer.

He introduced me to Iron Patriot who was telling his near superhero stories though seeing no one was priaisng him, he left in a sulking manner.

"He is funny."

"You sure?" Tony asked.

"Most of the times, he is just a dad jokes kind of guy." Tony added as he took another wisp of the whiskey, releasing wisps of fire from his nose.

The other avengers were surprised by this, they also tried some shots, we had some fun, though in the back of my mind I was wary, wary that an Ultron would suddenly walk out of the closet, scaring me to death, and considering this was an AU.

I was really Wary, the only thing stopping me from checking everything inside this building to make sure that Ultron isn't born is the fact that Tony is my friend, and don't want him to be feel betrayed.

Also, the fact that the Mind Stone was sitting peacefully in my inventory, I still haven't claimed the rewards I got from having the mind stone, I was already unstable enough with everything I already have.

Everyone had fun, Thor was back to his goofy self after he came back to Earth, he was having a love affair with his previous girlfriend which I didn't mind but I had heard from one of my friends in my previous life about how Odin was against Thor regarding this matter and had played dirty to get Jane out of the way, I will have to keep an eye out for him.

Odin was no doubt angry as I was not able to contact Frigga, it's a one-way communication for now. I didn't ask Thor anything about this, it won't be long before Odin falls anyways.

Everyone breathed out fire at the same time, we played a bunch of games now that the party was only among those who were a part of the Avengers initiative.

At last, the moment I waited for, materialized. The famous scene where Thor said to everyone that 'You are not worthy!'

'Hehehe I will break his puny pride, muahahaha.' I couldn't help but laugh inside my mind, Jean gave me a stink eye, she had a scary intuition I guess being a part of the Phoenix force.

Everyone tried lifting the hammer, Tony and Iron Patriot tried lifting the hammer together but failed.

Hawkeye tried his best until his veins bulged but nothing, we all had a laughing fit.

"Is it so funny, maybe you should try for once Nat." Hawkeye Mocked Natasha who just shook her head, I guess she wouldn't be able to anyways, I could always see that guilt ridden face of hers,

Then Bruce finally stepped forward and tried to make the Hammer move from it's place.

This time the humorous scene didn't occur, Bruce stopped pulling and asked everyone if The Hulk could come and play, to which I assured everyone that nothing will happen, although not everyone agreed with it but Thor gave the Go ahead so we let it be.

Bruce changed into a hulking green figure and again tried lifting the hammer before he gave T gh or a middle finger and left tempestuously, Bruce returned and gave Thor an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry about it." Said Thor as he smiled Wryly, I can't put my finger on it, but Thor had changed a lot, he still is the same old smiley guy, but there is a hint of maturity and...power in him.

Ownas squirming in my seat, ready to pull the hammer, as soon as Thor gave me the go ahead, I stood up and walked towards the hammer on the ground.

Everyone was watching me with a calm breath, I was the strongest avenger to them, if I couldn't lift it, nobody else would, I guess aside from me and Thor, nobody else saw the hammer vibrating at the touch of Steve's.

Everyone drew a breath as I put my hand on the hammer and pulled.

I felt it resist me, perhaps it thought I wasn't worthy, I wasn't sure myself, what did it mean by being worthy, what did the hammer want?, what was the conviction through which it deemed other worthy, was it some noble cause.

Was it the belief to sacrifice oneself to have other, was it to protect , or was it the belief to slaughter the enemies?

I honestly didn't know, but I knew one thing, if it didn't deem me worthy, I only have to prove it wrong.

Arcs of green lightning surrounded me as I pulled with all my power, the hammer trrembled and so did the whole place

"Whoaa!" Tony shouted as the place starter crackling,

"Cool it down guys!" he shouted at me , but it was too late as now me and the hammer were being stubborn.

He was pushing down while I was pulling it up, how did I know the hammer was a she?, I just knew, I felt it, the hammer was alive in a sense, or maybe it was just some form of advanced enchantment and this was the will of the Allfather inside the hammer.

After some time I felt my energy drain, just as I was about to give up and the situation was about to die down.

*Dont give up now partner, let's show them what we got!*


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