Chapter 179

Everyone gasped at the emergence of a gauntlet on my hands and arms. I felt the familiar dragon heart inside me best wildly, it seems that dragon really are prideful.

"What's that, An AI!?"

Asked Tony.

*No you fool, I am a heavenly dragon* Ddraig spoke through the gauntlet, his mere voice demanded absolute respect.

"H-Uhuh! is that so, then I am the President of America." Tony ridiculed as he eyed the flashing light on the gauntlet's gems.

*Imbecile, if you weren't a friend of my host, I would have pulverized you.*

Ddraig grew angry at Tony further proving the point that the mouth on Tony could rival that of Peters in trashtalking.

I barely held my laugh and started concentrating on breaking the stubborness of the hammer.

Giant lightning strikes started descending from the sky, though it couldn't do anything to phase me, it did break holes into the tower as it striked me time and time again.

My answer to that was a deep chuckle.

*Host, you should savor this moment, this is the proof, this is you going against Gods, Dragons are prideful, and prideful for a reason, let no one walk over you without paying a price, and the Gods knew that as they worked together to kill me.*

Ddraig said as he started laughing madly,

Finally after a while the lightning died down, everyone else was fine as they were being protected, the hammer in my grasp started to rise from the ground slowly,


It issued sounds that represented the sounds of a broken static screen of a TV.


Finally I held the angry little bastard in the sky as huge bolt of lightning struck the sky like a pillar of lightning, as did the whole of avengers and the whole of Newyork,

"He isn't the strongest avenger for nothing" Remarked Tony as he took a whole video and several photos of my feat.

The lightning finally died down and Ddraig said goodbye and disappeared, he was still working on our dream project.

The continuous lightning strikes helped me immensely,I felt complete, unlike my previous self that had to walk carefully unless he broke something. I was free.

I handed the hammer back to Thor, Khaopachi was a seriously jealous dude if I say so myself. I might come off as odd talking about weapons as if they have a soul, it's a matter of fact that they do actually have a soul.

I know they can feel and act on their own. And Khaopachi feels oddly like a little bro thats spoilt as hell.

*Hmmmm* Khaopachi

"That was epic, it's on going on intsa." said Tony

"I don't think thats a good ide-"

"Already did it!" retorted Tony to Nats comment, she shrugged her hands and sat down again. It was Fury's shit to deal with anyway.

"You have once again proven that mortals aren't to be messed with, knowing there is someone like you on Earth, I doubt anyone would try and mess with it." Thor praised me as I gave him a curt nod.

'If only you knew the type of powerful creatures that hide on Earth, Even Odin will shit his pants' I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Odin having to fight an angry evil Wanda , or a dead pool thats kills of universe as if it was every tuesday activity.

Or the planet busting hulk or other stronger forms of him.Franklin Richards, And even the Celestials and their slaves such as the deviants and the Eternals.

Speaking of Eternals, I remember I forgot to search for them on Earth, or did I search for them, already.

While I was contemplating what to do about this, Nat suddenly came towards me,I gave her a confusing look, all she did was hand over the phone to me


"Why are you not picking up the phone?" Fury asked

"I might have put the phone somewhere!" I replied, acting to the best of my abilities, the truth is that I have blocked most of my SHIELD contacts, not just the normal blocking, blocking as in asking my ever so helpful AI to completely block these bastards,

"Sigh....we have located Ulyssey Klaw" he replied,

That surprised me, finally that guy was in our radar,I don't know how, but the best organization in the world was not able to track down a single guy,I guess someone who can make weapons out of Vibranium must have some kind of a plan to stay under.

Or Hydra might be keeping him safe for various reasons.


"Not right now, first I need some help from you" he asked me, now this was something I wasn't willing to do, seeing how half the time, the spies are just making things easier for,

"No" I replied.

"NO!!" Fury was visibly frustrated,I guess he never had to deal with something like that, poor guy doesn't even know that the sceptre is also not with Shield anymore.

While Hydra might be eying me with their vulture eyes, ready to strike as I strike them.

"Sigh..then I won't be. giving you Klaw" Fury replied firmly, I waited for a while, but I knew he wouldn't break, he had already stepped back enough.

"Alright,I will do it, but if I find out you made me part of some shady deal, or that I am hurting innocents or if you leave anything out about the mission, hear this Fury,I will bring that Hellicarrier down." i told him in a firm voice.The only reason I havent dealt with the three helicarriwrs beneath Triskelion is because...they will be mine once Hydra makes them.

"Alright,I will email you the detail, I have your word, right?" he asked.

"Worry not,I won't back out of my word." I told him firmly, by this time everyone had one ear on me.

I ended the call and gave back the phone,

Nat was looking at me,observing me curiously, which caused me to grow uncomfortable.

"What!" I asked

"One moment you feel like a normal hunk from New York, the other moment you turn into a guy that feels untouchable and arrogant."

"Ouch! right in the balls." Tony joked listening to Nat.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3