Chapter 180

Some time later, I returned from the party with a hungover Bruce on my shoulders, I threw in his room that he occupied.

After taking care of him, I took out the data that Fury sent over to me, The file on Ulyssey Klaw was before me.

along with that opened up the file on the mission that Fury wanted me to do,

Looking at the file sent a surprised expression to my face, It seems Fury has his suspicions, the mission he gave me, it coincides with one of the small bases of Hydra, either Fury has a hunch or he knows he is in shit.

I put that aside and started training myself for the day, My Ikki Kurogane template finally went from 45 to 50 by the end of this time

I put aside drawing another character, I want to complete my training with Ddraig first, I am just not sure if I want to leave things hanging.

Cedric is pretty much done, Madara is right around the corner, and Midoriya is also done, It's best if I just train with what I have for now.

I had a little all-out brawl with my clones using minimum powers. It really helps to improve my abilities, recently my website and manga are earning me tons of cash so I will be able to buy wood release, which will hopefully allow me to reach 99 percent.

Then I will have to do a mission, which will take some time, I think it took nearly a month for me to come back the last time.

"Alright, let's go on our regular patrols for now." I told them as they disappeared.

I made another clone and left it to patrol the place, my destination was somewhere else today.

I was going to deal with Klaw, other than getting the Vibranium, I will also be able to get rid of any afterthought of any doubt I have of Ultron coming to life.

I also have those aliens to study, hopefully I can make a space ship with it, or I just train my spatial abilities until I can go anywhere I want in the uninverse, or I can ask the Ancient One...nope, I don't trust her for now.

I run a hand over my hair as I make way into the portal to the other side, Afganistan.

According to the files, the ducker was hiding in Afghanistan, running a weapons business, selling high-tech weapons to small firearms, everything was being sold.

I could see far away easily with my Sharingan, a high field, weapons being sold everywhere, I decided to use Transformation jutsu to blend in.

I also bought some shit to not be suspicious, nothing much, just enough to keep eyes off my back, it's the first time I have done something like this, I remember how Karen, in Daredevil had to buy some printers to get out of a mess when she was investigating Kingpin.

It helped when the eyes fell off my back, along with that the red dots on my map disappeared.

I heaved a sigh and weaved through the place looking here and there.

"Hey buddy! you wanna get some real shit" a guy appeared in front of me, he had a haggard appearance, Had a firearm strapped to his back.

I looked at him with a scrutiny, He explained

"See this." he showed me a weird looking arrow.

I felt some sort of power in it.

"This is the real stuff,it's alien tech, far better then the ones in the open market." he said.

"Get to the point,don't waste my time." I told him off, rule number one is to sound and act tough.

"ehehe! tough guy, alright, you want real stuff, you get real stuff, but you need real money for that." he said showing me a toothy smile.

I looked around, making sure that no one was looking, I slowly brought out a small gold biscuit out from the sac on my shoulder.

The guy was surprised, before he could touch it, I took it back and motioned for him to show me.

"Sigh, alright, let's go, I know just the place." he finally agreed and started moving through the crowd, at least he will lead me to some big guy, I will beat said big guy and ask him for Klaw, it will be my congratulatory gift if the said big guy is Klaw himself.

We weaved through the huge crowd and he finally led me towards a big warehouse. Three guards were stationed upfront while two were ready to fire from the twin towers located at the side.

Simultaneously five red dots appeared and disappeared on my map, I guess this shabby guy is the real deal.

I followed him inside slowly, keeping eye on everything.

'Thirty armed men with Ak, Ten men with what I suppose are alien weapons, or just high tech weapons. I will call them energy weapons for convenience, Aside from that are several other people, maybe buyers, and...I guess he is the guy I need to talk to.' I thought to myself.

I was about to go and talk to him but the guy who brought me here, stopped me.

"Woah! woah! Woaah' you need to buy some stuff, some expensive stuff to get to that." he pointed towards the big guy.


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