Chapter 214....Underestimating your prey

Although Naruto was a bum, He really showed his worth by taking on the weird woman who was too powerful for her own good as Sasule watched Naruto being flung back time and time again only to get back up and deal a blow, bodies of several snakes were lying on the ground of the forest of death,

After a while when Orochimaru knew that Sasuke was ready to show him something new, he easily felt with Naruto who fell asleep.

a black tattoo proudly visible on his chest was now burning with smoke.

"Sakura...Get Naruto and go as far away as possible" Sasuke said as he finally opened his eyes.

Rather then the usual two tomoe was the three tomoe, Sakura was about to refuse when a random spark of lightning started dancing around of Sasuke, slowly the numbers grew.

Finally, Sakura understood what was happening, she was too weak to stand by his side, even Naruto was better than her.

She nodded her head before taking Naruto who was knocked out and ran away, Orochimaru had a serious face as he looked at Sasuke.

Unlike the previous amused expression, Orochimaru knew what was happening, the little kid had learned one of the most hardest and secretive jutsu of the Shinobi world...and he had a slight guess as to who taught him

'It's...thats monssssster' he hissed to himself.

Before Orochimaru had the time to move, Sasuke appeared behind him and delivered a hand strike, though the simple chopping motion was as powerful as the sword of Kusanagi as the trees in a straight line were cut like tofu.

Orochimaru opened his mouth as the sword of Kusanagi appeared in his hands, Using his countless years of experience he made a cutting motion, Sasuke was not doing badly as he made good use of the natural defence that the lightning cloak gave and decided to face Orochimaru head on.

The Sharingan, although wasn't fast enough to help keep track of his fast movements, they still allowed Sasuke to assess danger and properly avoid it as he used it to roughly estimate Orochimaru's direction of movement and launch several attacks that hit him squarely.

"Gahhhh! it seems you are really an outstanding Uchiha" Orochimaru said as he hurriedly got up.

Although it looked like Sasule wasn't effected, it was far from the truth, he had just learned the Lightning cloak technique, this caused extreme chakra consumption and a heavy toll on his body.

Plus he was also using his Sharingan to keep track of any sneaky attacks of Orochimaru,

"But if you think you can defeat me with just that, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you" Orochimaru used the Hiding in the Surface technique and the headhunter technique as he started evading Sasuke despite his efforts to cut the snaky guy apart.

'I will have to end this soon, I don't think I can keep this up for long, a final attack then' though Sasuke as he directed his lightning-transformed chakra in his arms.

Ready to deliver his strongest attack yet, The whole forest was covered jn flashes of lightning, as if it was a light show

"Ho! Let's see what you do,I will be doing my best as well, you are worthy enough to be my vessel" Orochimaru had an excited expression on his face as he saw the terrifying attack.

"Summoning Jutsu: Double Roshomon Gates"

As Sasule launched himself towards Orochimaru , Orochimaru who could have taken this time to somehow easily dodge the attack decided to humor the Uchiha kid and summoned his strongest Defensive jutsu

Two gates that looked like the reincarnation of demons rose from the ground, meeting face to face with the lightning strike from Uchiha Sasuke.

For a moment it looked like the attack had been averted, Sasuke also saw this as hesitation appeared in his eyes

'It's all or nothing ' He thought before charging his attack, the familiar lightning around him dimming as he did so.

"Ah ahhhhhhh!"

Slowly the gate started cracking before it broke like glass, passing right through the second as well, Orochimaru was dumbfounded as the tables suddenly turned on him.

Before he could dodge the attack, the attack took him by surprise and he got struck square in the chest.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Sasuke fell due to the excess use of chakra beyond his limits as Orochimaru flew a couple hundred meters , the lightning dragging him as he couldn't help but let out a scream of desperation.

Though being a Sanin had its own perks as he finally reeled himself in and used a substitution justsu, and escaped.

Though not without injuries as he felt very weak

'I underestimated, though that means he is just that strong, I must thank That monster later on, he sure did raise a good Ucgiha for me,hahaha' Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh as he weakly made his way to Sasuke.

he agreed that he shouldn't have looked down on the little kid, it was one of his worst mistakes and he would make sure not to repeat it lest he gets killed by an even more weaker and dumb enemy.

As he was about to bite Sasuke to cultivate him as a vessel, he felt a killing intent like never intent, it was that man, that monster...

"It's not polite to steal someone else student, now is it, little snake" Jack appeared right beside Orochimaru as he said that.


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