Chapter 215...Orochimaru is dead

I looked at the Snake Sannin or as i like to call him, Pedomaru.

He was everything that i thought Orochimaru was, the chakra he exhibited was vile and disgusting to the core.

After the initial shock, he finally calmed down and looked at me

"Sssss, i am honored to meet the great white devil, but its time i go" he said

as if i would let him leave.

"And how do you think you are gonna leave",I asked him.

Although he was a Sannin, I was the lord of Uchiha, not to mention the real me, Orpchimaru would have a hard time running away from even the me that everyone in this world knows of.

I felt him move his chakra and the next moment he released a number of swords from his mouth, as well as shedding himself, the guy looked disgusting doing it.

But I have to admit, that is a pretty good jutsu as now he is back to his prime, minus the loss of some amount of chakra.

As the swords came towards me I simply raised my hands and they stopped

this must have also surprised him as he wasn't prepared for that, they flew back at him with twice the speed, using the headhunter just he escaped into the ground,goingg for a strike at me from below

I pulled chakra into my mouth and molded it to release lava on the ground as the place turned into a lava pool,I made sure that Sasuke was safe as I didn't want him to suffer.

As expected he must have felt something and moved back and away from the place.

" Ssss looks like I will have to get serious" he said as he cut his fingers

Very soon a giant cloud of smoke was created, although I could still see him, but now along with him was the giant snake from canon,

He is called snake sage or manda something,I shook my thoughts as I looked at the duo in front of me.

Orochimaru had a smug smile on his face as he pointed at me from above.

"Hmph Deal with him for me" he said.

I already knew he was planning to escape so I didn't dally around.

It was one thing to have fun and another to let my mission fail.

I used the Mangekyo sharingan and the snake that was slitheirng towards me, destroying the giant forest suddenly came to a halt before it disappeared.

I guess the snake had some form form of mechanism in place to run away once it was compromised.

I looked at the dumbfounded Orochimaru as he looked at me.Still feeling shocked how I had taken care of one of his trump cards, I was sure he had some other things as well but it didn't matter as I used my eyes and pulled him into my Tsukoyomi.

It only felt like some time had passed but once we were back, Orochimaru fell down as he looked at me with fear and a hint of rage.

I appeared behind him again and used the gauntlet and my own understanding of would magic to destroy his soul as well as absorbing his physical stats,

maybe I can absorb them permanently if he dies while I absorb them.

As the last of his soul was about to be sucked by me I used a reversal Fuinjutsu that I developed for this specific occasion, with this, every other person that has his cursed seal will feel as if the are going through great pain as the remamnat chakra of Orochimaru gets destroyed.

In two minutes I was done with him as his dead body fell to the ground and started burning due to the lava beneath.

[Congratulations host for completing a mission]

[Host has received his reward in the inventory]

I pushed aside the notifications as I felt Anko arrive at the scene with some Anbu.Ankonloled like she had been through hell, probably the effect of the seal wearing off

"Huh! Lord Uchiha" they all said in unison.

"Hmm" I nodded at them.

Anko noticed the familiar figure floating in lava that was now hard and used ropes that she got from god knows where to pull it out.

"Is th-that Orochimaru the legendary Sannin" one of the Anbu couldn't help but choke.

"Yes! I noticed his presence in the training area and saw that he was trying to kill the future of our village" I told them, although I didn't need to explain myself as I had done the village a favor by killing this bastard.

Anbu and the others noticed Sasuke hanging from a branch and tried helping him but I stopped them

"What do you mean!?" they felt confused so I explained myself

"If you help him now, he might fail the test, he is a you cling of my clan and I can testify his skills, I think it's best you leave him here, his friends are on their way, let's go, The Hokage must have felt the chakra of his student, yet he didn't come over" I told them

I felt a bit of unwillingness from them but I guess I still held some authority so they followed me, the burnt body of Orochimaru on their back.


I watched in happiness as I looked at the crestfallen face of his as he looked at his dead disciple

"He was a traitor to the village and who knows what else he did beside performing experiment on his fellow people.and yet you are showing grief for him," I mocked him as he clenched his teeth.

But I had to take my hats off to him, as he calmed down and looked at me and the other Anbu

"Explain" he said

Anko started explaining what happened, I also gave in my two bits when needed

In the end, he decided it's best not to divulge what happened today and we all went back to being normal


In the Forest of death, Sasuke woke up after a while with a cloth on his forehead , Sakura who saw him was surprised as she happily hugged him,

"Thank God you are back to normal, Sasuke!" she practically yelled inside his ears.

Capsule could only grunt as he felt the after effects of the lightning cloak

'I need to master this jutsu by the time this test ends' he thought as he laid down again.

Looking to his left he saw Maruto who was also asleep

"He still hasn't woken up...I found you hanging on a branch, What happened back there Sasuke" Sakura asked with worry but Sasuke was busy in his own thoughts, unable to answer her

'I must become stronger, Lord Uchiha said that I had the potential to unlock the next evolution of Sharingan, and even the Rinnegan,what's a Rinnegan'



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3