Chapter 216 Great Sage

Needless to say, once Sasuke woke up , he took care of the ninja sent to eliminate him by Orochimaru in a single minute, surprising Sakura once again, so much so that her head grew by an inch.

Naruto woke up a bit later, but was feeling down and weary after his fight in which he lost so badly, though it didn't stop him from coming back to his usual cheeky personality

They cleared the exam easily once the fight was over, though some things such as the involvement of a certain person named kabuto didn't happen.

Partly because the man was scared shitless by Jack's power.

The matter of the death of Orochimaru was put on hold and no one besides those present on sight knew about it, even a certain cyclops wannabee didn't know about it.


Jack POV:

It's always nice to feel the beautiful breeze on your body as you lay down on the grass as clouds pass over your body, what's even better is when you lay down on the cloud as you look at the beautiful starry sky.

Unfortunately, I can't have that experience on Earth, there is something unique about this world, perhaps because there is less pollution or whatever.

It's been two or three days since the second test and now the passing students will be fighting one-on-one if I remember correctly.

Currently, I am floating in the sky as Sasuke is learning from me.

Alongside Itachi who is also learning diligently, I didn't know that someone like him would also be interested in learning from me.

It happened yesterday while I was training Sasuke, Itachi came to me and asked if he could learn from me as well.

I agreed right away as to who wouldn't like to teach someone like him, I used the same method I did with Sasuke and now both of them are learning the new Jutsu that I made.

Yes! my clones are a part of me so it's the same thing, my clones have come up with various Jutsu while I was busy fooling around, at least according to them atleast.

It was during his training that I suddenly heard Sasuke shout with worry, I immediately flew down and noticed Itachi coughing up blood and it clicked.

I finally remembered that the poor guy was still ill, it was one of my dreams to somehow help him as a kid not die and I forgot about it.

"Sensei! something happened to big brother, he was fine just now and suddenly started coughing," Sasuke said with Worry as he held his brother.

I raised a bit of ground to put Itachi on as I used magic to scan his body,

"Don't worry about it, keep training while I fix him up, it's a terminal illness, nothing I can't fix" I replied as I took out a potion.

"Teacher knows Medical Jutsu as well" Sasuke asked in amazement, I feel like if I continue like this, I might steal Kakashi's title.

I wonder if I can fix Kakashi up so that he can realize his full potential

After a bit of convincing, Sasule started training again reluctantly and I sat beside Itachi , monitoring his response to the potion I had him drink.

In fifteen minutes the effects were visible and he was fine again, no sign of the previous illness on him.

'Might as well use that draw I have been saving up' I couldn't help but say as I started the draw

Jack made a clone and then teleported back home to begin the was always good to be cautious

"System! begin the draw"

[Draw has begun]


[Congratulations Host, you have obtained another Special Template skill]

"Isn't my luck really good these days,compared to before, now I am usually getting special templates that allows instant power"

[Host has obtained Special Template 'Rimuru Tempest' ]

[Special Template: Rimuru Tempest]

[Abilities: Unique skill Great Sage, Unique skill Predator]

"Oh shieeeet!" I couldn't help but shout out at the motherfukin love of god cheat that I just received.

"Hahahahaha I shall become a God"

I was really excited about this, although I hadn't watched the manga or anime, I had still seen the debates on Reddit regarding this guy.

'What if I become a true dragon, I can literally live forever, not to mention I am already harder to kill unless by a soul attack.'

[Good morning Host]

It was then that I heard a very different voice from the usual desolate voice of the system

"Great Sage"

[Yes Host]

"Oh shit"

[Great Sage :

Thought Acceleration - Boosts thought speed by a thousand times.

Analytical Appraisal - Analyzes and assesses the target.

Parallel Processing - Operates on any matter the user wishes to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process. Any process under Parallel Processing is affected by Hasten Thought and accelerated by a thousand times.

Chant Annulment - Annuls the casting period required when using Magic, etc.

All of Creation - Allows the user to fully comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon as long as they have a certain amount of knowledge beforehand.]


Predation : It absorbs the target into the body. However, if the target is conscious, the success rate greatly decreases. The affected targets include, but isn't limited to: organic matter, inorganic matter, skills, and magic.

Analysis : The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.

Stomach : The absorbed target can be stored. Items produced via Analysis can also be stored. Anything that stored in the Stomach are not affected by time.

Mimicry : Replicate the absorbed target's appearance. The skills and abilities used by the target can also be used. However, this depends on the successful analysis and acquisition of relative information regarding the target. (In case of evolution of someone from the user's progeny, the evolution carries over to the user as well, possibly even giving the user the ability to mimic a higher evolution stage than that which the member of the progeny evolved into.)

Isolation: Harmful materials or unnecessary for analysis can also be stored. They will be used to replace magic energy.

"Well! I am officially broken"

*Oi! what is happening to this place, Hey!*

"What happened Ddraig!?" I asked.

it was very shocking for the heavenly dragon to loose his cool


I am gonna merge his abilities in the next chapter

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3

Since my semester became tough,i have decided to upload a chapter of marvel one day,and a chapter of black clover on the next and so on,if i have extra time,i will upload for both novels at the same time as well