Chapter 217 Four Ultimate skills

{A spiritual organism has been recognized in Hosts body, Analyzing for further info...Thought acceleration has been used, parallel thoughts activated}

"Don't worry about it, it's a new ability of mine, it's just studying you, don't try to resist and keep an eye on the raccoon as well?" I told Ddraig.

*It does feel weird as, unlike my previous place, it's empty and black here, whatever* Ddraig replied before he fell back asleep.

{Detecting several Unique skills }

{Combining (Bans immortality), (Snatch), (One for All),(Mystic Arts)}

{New Ultimate skill created}

{Hercules: Lord of Trials}

{Combining Several unique skills}

{ Combining (Master of Just)(Wood release)(Fire release)(Wind release)(Storm release )(Typhoon release)(Plasma Release)(Spatial Jutsus)(Forbidden jutsu )(Fuinjutsu)(Magnet Release)(All Ranked Jutsu)...}

{Error...Ultimate skill creation failure, unique skill(Lord of Jutsu) Created}

"Hmm, maybe I need the cooperation of all the beasts to maybe unlock an ultimate skill"

{Combining several skills }

{Combining (Boosted Gear)(Balance Breaker Mode)(Juggernaut Drive)(Soul Transfer)(Dragons sense)(Penetrate)(Dragons Aura)(Dragons Body)(Dragon Heart) into Ultimate skill

(Ddraig: Heavenly Domination Dragon) }

Well, I don't need to train for the Juggernaut drive it seems, good for me

{Combining Several Unique skills

(Lord of Jutsu)( Eternal MangekyoSharingan)(Indra's Chakra)(One tailed beast's Essence) }

{New Incomplete Ultimate skill {Progenitor of chakra} Created}

{Combining Several Skills

Combining (Dark arts),(Defense against dark arts)(Charms Master)(Hex master)(Curse master)(Mystic Arts Master)(Wandless magic)(Alchemy)(Soul Magic)(Fire magic)(Water Magic)(Wind Magic)(Lightning magic)(Earth Magic)(Unorthodox magic)(Golem Creation)(Forbidden magic) }

{Unique skill (Chaos Magic) has been created

{ skill (Magic Manipulation)(Magic Sense)(Elemental magic)(Arcane Magic)(Ultra Magic regeneration)(Instant cast) created}

{Possible race evolutions discovered}

{Demonic Spider}{Dragon King}

"Oh shiiet!"

I couldn't help but exclaim, but did that mean that I lost my sharing an

I quickly checked my new ultimate skills to check for their abilities

{Hercules: lord of Trials}

{Immortality: You have immortality, you cannot be killed, soul attacks will kill you, but you will come back to life six times before your true death, every enemy you kill, You soul becomes stronger, you can impart immortality upon anyone and take it back

Trial: Every death gives you immunity to the skill that killed you, a chance to steal the said skill also present

One above All: your strength increases once you start fightng till you are stronger then your enemy, You can manually increase your strength to the limit of your body as well.You can kill those weaker then you with a gaze.

Redirect:Direct physical attacks back to the enemy twofold

Soul shock: If killed by a spiritual or soul attack, the attack will be delivered to the opposing party regardless of any defense)

{Ddraig:Heavenly Domination Dragon}

Domination Dragon: Summon the Domination dragon as a fighting partners, the summoned Dragon is equal to power to that of five Dragon King's and has all the abilities of Ddraig

Battle Mode: You can use all the abilities of Ddraig and can also use the crimson perishing flames that eat and destroy even the souls of your enemies

Dragon soul:You soul is that of a dragon and has the power of one.

Rage mode: you turn into a Heavenly Dragon for as long as your body supports it.}

{Progenitor of Chakra

Lord of Jutsu: You can use any and all jutsu, no jutsu will have effect on you unless you allow it

Impart: impart the ability to use chakra on those that you deem worthy, will loose a part of your strength depending on how much potential you impart

The withering past: You can rewind time of enemy attacks and objects.

Tailed Beast mode: Enter the one tailed beast mode}

"This really does feel incomplete to me, I will need the tailed beasts as expected, the withering past ability is really good one."

and maybe the chakra from Indra's brother as well,hmm maybe i can extract some from naruto

Looks like I will be staying here for a while,I then had a sudden thought,

"Great sage, you can put back both of my friends since you are done with them."


I stood up and started going through the abilities of Ikki kurogane and tried using them, since I knew about them beforehand, and I have used them for a while as well, it should be possible to recreate and learn them through the use of Great sage, Right!

{New Skill (Double up) learned,

New skill( Ukemi) , New skill( Itto Shura)

New skill(Itto Rasetsu) learned}

I used the Chaos magic which was something much much powerful then what I used before and several letters floated in front of me before they started spinning and covered the whole place.

Now my compound wouldn't be harmed even if nukes drop on it, it did take a good chunk of my magic power, which was already filling up, much faster then ever before

Part of the reason was my dragon physiology, ultimate skill Ddraig and Ultrafast magic regeneration.

"Great sage, I would like to commense racial evolution into a Dragon king"

{Great Sage has another evolution if host is willing to listen}

'Another Evolution'

{Yes, it requires the use of The Ddraig entity within the hhost'sbody to turn the host into a Heavenly Dragon}

"You mean to absorb him using predation and completely erase him"

I asked a little coldly, Ddrsig was my friend and I wouldn't trade him for the world, on the contrary, I was thinking of somehow bringing him back to life.



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