Chapter 242

I was keeping an eye on the kree forces, it seems they plan on killing these poor Suran Natives, though that will prove to be a hard battle as I have already started planning on taking over the city that has the king trapped in it.

'Maybe he will agree to be my subordinate as well.' I couldn't help but think to myself.

In the time, the twenty or so Suran's appeared in front of me as I stood outside the camp, they were standing in a mannerly way.

"As you all know by now, I am from a team of heroes that protects his planet, recently I have started to widen the scope of my activity by helping the whole universe, and multiverse in time." Jack continued,

"Your planet was being oppressed by the kree who are racist bastards that want nothing with you, they are after this thing." Jacks aid as he summoned a piece of mutated Vibranium from the rocks beneath him.To say this whole planet was rich with vibranium was an understatement,

One of the people that were gathered raised his hands, as taught by Jack if they wanted to ask some questions.

"Yes, boy?"

"Sir, what is this metal, we have never seen a glowing metal like this, it seems dangerous." Jack smiled at that.

It was good that someone asked this,

"This is one of the rarest metals in the whole world, it can go against Uru, metals of the gods and has the ability to absorb and release kinetic blasts, it also serves to heal and strengthen the body of it's user in some way, though the metal on this planet is mutated to give it's user some disadvantages."

Jack got closer to the man or boy, it was hard to determine the age, though the great sage did say the man has just entered adulthood.

As the glowing piece of rock got closer to the man, as well as the other Surans, they started clenching their teeth and holding their heads as if in pain.

Jack seeing that the point got across quickly put away the stone.

"As you can see, it is harmful to you, this stone was first discovered by one of the kings according to Zeeki, but we will get to that later. Right now, I have an announcement to make."

Everyone slowly stood and organized themeskeves as they looked at the alien that saved them, he was just like them except for the absence of a horn or yellow colored skin.

"The kree are a powerful empire, and although I could potentially cripple them given time, but I want you to achieve victory by your own hands, although you have all considered me your lord or king, I will give you a chance to think again, do you wish to be my people and obey only me, or do you wish for help, I can either give you a safe heaven in another solar system, or I can give you all a fighting chance and a chance to become stronger." Jack said.

The men and women gave each other a look, Jack could feel a small amount of panic among them.

At that moment, the women named Zeeki and Sinni, whom he had saved from death, stood forward and bent on one knee as they gave a pledge.

"We were devastated and hopeless when the kree struck us, they called us fodder and slaves,when our own kings fell and fled, you came to aave us, we wish to serve you." Zeeki said, she then gave Jack a determined look.

"Although we can't give you much, but we can give you our undying loyalty."

"Very well, then I shall respond accordingly, with your life in my hands, I give you my blessings, you all belong to me now, I will do my best to serve as a king."

Jack said with a smile, releasing a powerful aura that caused the very planet they were standing on to rattle.

"Zeeki, from now on, you are the leader of your race and my army, I shall give you a name, if you accept it that is." Jack asked.

The Great sage recommended her as a candidate for a leadership role,

"Yes my lord!"

"Good, from now on, you will be Zera, the leader of the Immortal squad."

As soon as Jack finished his little speech, Zeeki became covered in a white light, although the other Suran's didn't know what was happening, one thing was clear, Zeeki would come out stronger.

"Sinni, you shall be name Sera, the helping hand of our army and a close aid of the leader."

Again, a bright light covered another one of the Suran people.

Jack could feel them,they weren't afraid of what was happening, as if sure that Jack wouldn't hurt them.

"You,what's your name?" Jack pointed at the newly matured man, who stood up and replied,

"Zarkiel, My lord."

"I shall name you Dante, the Executioner, welcome to the Immortal squad."

Another light descended and covered the man slash boy, just like that, the twenty people were covered in a bright light, the other Surans watched with baited breaths as the saw the scene.

The aura of the twenty people began to rise into the air, it was a bright red color,

Jack waited while the aliens completed their evolution as the Great sage informed him of a new skill named {Food chain} being given to him.

He had imbued the three people with immortality while the others were given a regeneration ability that was good enough, the rest was left on the great sage and the system, though it would be wrong if Jack that he was impartial to what was being given to each member.


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