Chapter 243 Stretching the legs

Jack watched with interest as the light covered members began changing in various ways, he suddenly had the urge to shout,They are over nine thousand!

{Host! the evolution was successful, Congratulations on getting your first subordinates} the voice of the great sage told jack while he looked at the now red colored members who were looking at each other as well as themselves.

Though it didn't seem like they didn't know what was going on, once they saw Jack, they immediately bowed in respect and recognition.


a small sound was emitting as the ground beneath them cracked.

"Welcome back, although I am happy for you all,I think it's best you wear these rings until you learn how to take in your aura and power, you will scare your brethren. Introduce your new selves to me, now."

Jack threw each of them a ring as he waited for them, although he had given abilities to them that he wanted, he had also left a huge part of that undecided.

Zera who was kneeling stood up, she looked into Jacks eyes before giving a curt bow,

"My new name is Zera, I am a member of the immortal squad, the voice has given me the ability of immortality, Flight, Ultra regeneration, Superpowered physique as well as the Phoenix flames." Zera said in one breath before she joined the others.

Then out of the orderly crowd came out Sera, previously known as Sinni, she also gave a curt bow before introducing herself.

"My name is Sera, the member of Immortal squad under the great king, the voice has given me immortality, Superhuman physique as well as the ability to manipulate all elements, I can heal others as well."

"Good, it seems there was no problem with the evolution." Jack muttered to himself, though he didn't realize that now his subordinates were superpowered beings.

"Lord, My name is Dante, I am a member of the Immortal army, the voice has given me Immortality, Extreme comprehension, Superior Physique, Spatial Magic, Gravity magic, Sword creation."

I nodded at that, it seems there were no problems, my subordinate even ended up getting a new skills such as Sword creation, and according to what the great sage showed me, it closely resembles the ability of Kiba Yuuto, the devil of Rias Gremory from DXD.

The others also came forward and introduced their ability, I wasn't expecting much but a few of them ended up getting very nice abilities that will develop into powerful technique in the long run,I will think about giving them immortality once I deem them competent enough.

'Huh' I suddenly felt few fast approaching objects, they weren't much, just ten attacking ships and one Scouter ship, which was a weird combo but whatever.

"It seems we already have sparring partners for you to understand your ability, lets see what this is all about."

The squad was confused by my sudden remark but Zera had he decency to have them follow my orders without thought, I guess I really did choose a good leader.

{i did that}

'Yeah sure, tomato, tamato.'

Very soon the sounds of the fast approaching objects reached us,I told Jean and the others not to act, but the could observe if they wanted.

"Lord, what are your orders?" Zera asked, as Phoenix flames started covering her body.

"Standby for now, act neutral, if they act out of line, deal with them." I told her, the flames receeded back into her body as her eyes returned to normal.

The large ships floated in the sky, it painted a bad picture of violence to me, I could practically feel the intent of these people.

As the energy weapons of the ship came alive, so did the army standing behind me, a group of people given abilities that we're at least above or equal to alpha level, some being close to omega level was really unbelievable.

"This is a disrespect to our king,let's show these insects who they are messing with." Zers shouted as the others issued a roar behind her.

Two ships that were about to launch an attack were torn apart as if they were being controlled by opposing gravitational pulls while some started catching fire, others turned into skewed wreckage.

It was a massacre, the kree didn't even have time to issue a cry before they were all defeated, the scout shop tried to escape but Dante, who was already waiting suddenly appeared in front of the fast flying ship took a stance as he sent a blue energy at the ship, cleanly cutting it into two.

'Did I make them too powerful.' I thought as the army returns and stood in a neat line.

"Lord, the enemies have been taken care of, any more orders." Zera said as she stood in attention.

No doubt the standby audience just saw the changes in their people, some started clapping at the performance while others chanted their names, which served to do nothing more then to earn the ire of the immortal army,

"For now, introduce yourself to your people, then we will go ahead and start by freeing your kin-"

"Our only king is you, Our lord." Sera answered, while the others nodded.


"We can discuss that later, now go and introduce yourself." while the immortal squad moved away, Jean and Bruce came into the picture.

"Did I just see someone else other then you and me use the Phoenix fire." she asked.

"Yeah, though it's not as powerful as yours...yet." I replied.

"I am not even gonna ask." Jean rolled her eyes. I heard the hum of Khaopachi,which was saying that it was also capable of using said power, speaking of which...


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3