Chapter 219...I have the Rasengan

"Great Sage! Help me get back to the village" Jack finally said after he was sure his powers were under control.

He had truly seen what kind of a monster he bhadbecomes today, at this moment, he could take on tens of himself and come out victorious

'I wonder if I can become a Demon Lord and become more powerful, Nah!" Jack decided it was best not to go ahead and kill people for his agenda, there are many ways to gain power.

For example, he could go ahead and deal with that god-complex guy now that he is so strong, and absorb the Rinnegan to gain some extra skills, plus his Uzumaki heritage might also give him some new skills

'I can also free the tailed beasts to try and complete the ultimate skill, maybe having the Rinnegan will also help '

Jack found himself back in the village, breathing in the cool breeze he couldn't help but let himself relax, that planet was not good for one's health, he ended up gaining some pretty nifty nullification skills and resistance by staying

He observed his house for a while before dispelling the magic and Fuinjutsu.

'Perhaps I should visit the DxD and Tensei Slime world once and see what I can get from the shops' he thought as he entered the house

His presence was completely different from before so the sensors in the village wouldn't be able to tell it was him.

His magic and Chakra, plus his whole being had gone under a qualitative change.

He received the info on what happened while he was gone and to his expectation, the chunin exams were already over and done with, Sasuke had won in the end, greatly surprising the people of the sand village

The fact that their Hokage was dead became an even bigger problem later on so the left hurriedly along with Gaara who found out that the Shukaku was gone, disappeared.

They had blamed Konoha for these incidents but no proof was found. They left with their tails between their legs

The other village heads left soon after

'No need to worry about that, I should probably head over to Amegakure and deal with Nagato, he can't possibly defeat me now

With that thought, he asked the Great Sage to help him reach Amegakure

Once he was there, he proceeded to completely hide his chakra so that he can deal with this quietly

"I remember Konan being protective of Nagato but since I have the ultimate skill Progenitor of Chakra, I don't think she will be able to cause any problems, the Rinnegan on the other hand has the six paths technique. I think I can handle him but I should still be a bit cautious" I said to myself as I approached the high tower in the distance where I sensed the strongest presence.

I plan on merging my dragon eyes, EMS and Rinnegan to maybe make an ultimate skill, though I am not sure about it.

I still have the EMS as a unique skill even though it was combined to make an ultimate skill.

I fly towards the tower and enter, going forward I am finally met with the damaged Nagato who has his legs crippled


"Huh!" immediately I feel a gravitational force trying to push me back though it doesn't take much effort as my ultimate skills come to effect and stop that from happening.

"Who are you?" the man in red hair asks me with a raspy voice, surprised that I wasn't affected.

I can feel the presence of Konan hiding as if she can escape from me

"I just need your eyes, no need to panic," I say to him as if that was the most harmless thing in the world.

"Haha! a mere puny ant dares to defy a God" I guess he still has his god complex

Though I am not here to chitchat, I release my aura as the whole tower and the climate of Amegakure starts to change

The previously laughing Nagato is now sweating profusely, trying his best to breathe, meanwhile, Konan is already out cold.

The aura of Domination erodes them and their will to fight as I make sure to use it to its fullest capacity.

"You are nothing but a pawn in the hands of a crazy man, don't get so full of yourself, I shall help you realise your delusions" I walked towards him, he tried using the human path as I saw the king of hell come out, but before it could do anything I put my hands on Nagato's head and gave him a piece of information using Great Sage.

Specifically, the one where in the future his true purpose is revealed to him.

As I do so, I take back my aura and let him digest this information, He goes through a part of the memories before he looks at me, wide eyes

"This- tell me this isn't true, tell me I haven't been doing all of this for nothing" he yells at me, must be hard to learn how much of a blunder you have caused.

I sighed as I looked at his hollow look, the guy must feel dead inside

"Great Sage! Analyze the target and absorb the Eyes, see if you can copy his racial skills for me" I say to Great sage

{Beginning Target analysis, Beginning Absorbtion of Rinnegan}


{Target analyzed....Unqiue skill (Admantine chains) has been absorbed, Unique Skill (Rinnegan) acquired}

"Noise! Heal his legs and Eyes for me"

the best thing about Greaat sage is that now I don't have to do anything by myself and it can do stuff for me

Nagato got wrapped in a bright light before he returned to normal with his healthy complexion back

I decided to leave behind a piece of advice for him

"I believe it's best if you go ahead and take care of those that consider you their everything, and stop this foolish dream" I told him as I left

"Damn, I have never seen someone fight with a weilder of those eyes and win so easily, but I guess it's a given considering your current power level" I heard the genuine praise from Shukaku and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry, we still have your brethren to deal with, have you talked to them yet and have they agreed to the conditions?" I asked him

That was the only thing left that I had to deal with

"Yes, I did, although I think they aren't keen on leaving this place, they said they want to be released but don't want to leave" he told me.

I sighed at that,


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3