Chapter 220 Incomplete is now complete

"Is it because of your Father, the one who created you, honestly, I feel like he would want for his sons and daughters to be safe rather than be treated like monsters by the humans?" I said flying through the skies with ease

"Y-you!" The shocked Shukaku couldn't believe it,

"I know about a lot of things, even about the ten tails and how you are made by splitting it, trust me that I am on your side, you already know that I am not from this world, I will be releasing Kurama and the others tomorrow, tell them that I will make a safe haven for them if they want, but why do they still want to be stuck here," I asked him

If the people I protected, treat me like garbage, I am so gonna leave them for dead,

"Hmm" Shukaku went quiet, probably relaying the info to his siblings.

I went back to the house and slept, another trait I copied from lazy Ddraig.

The next day I woke up and decided to free Kurama today.

I teleported Naruto to a separate confined space and left a clone of mine behind that looked and acted like him.

although no one would be able to stop me, I don't want to create extra problems

It took me no effort to free the nine tails as it whisked out of Naruto in huge chunks of chakra as I kept him alive and well, honestly I am surprised by his tenacity and believe he would have survived this even without my help.

"Gahahaha! I am finally free" he laughed in glee as he looked around before I grabbed his attention again.

He looked at me with his giant red eyes

"You are strong..human," he said to me

"Thanks, now give me my half of the deal"

He went quiet at that, I hope he isn't thinking kf fighting me, cause I honestly want to get this over with,

"Just give it to him you fox bastard, don't try fighting him as he is as strong as father"


After a bit of push, I was finally given my reward.

I proceeded to do the same for everyone else, finally, it was the time for me to deal with Eight tails, I had left him for last as the right tails were in a rather friendly relation with his user.

I entered the village hidden kn the clouds and met with the B guy.

He wanted to fight me just to see what I was made of, a single slap to the face fixed that attitude of his as I extracted the eight tails and sent the other previous Jinchuriki back to their homes.

Looking at the towering creatures all in one place had me feeling very happy for them, they had already suffered enough.

I decided to do them one last favour and gave them some glimpses of the future so they know who to trust and who not to.

"You can contact the white devil of the Uchiha in case things are out of your control," I told them.

it was time for me to go back, or maybe I should go to the DXD world now.

"System, I can travel the special template world as well right!" I asked

just to make sure as there isn't a need to since my sync is perfect

[Host Can travel to any world from whom you have acquired a template ]

"Alright, now I can either go to DxD, or I can go to the Chivalry of the failed knight world and complete that template," I said to myself as I looked at the missions

"System, I choose this mission" I finally decided after looking for a while, though before that the Great Sage spoke to me.

{Would the host like to assimilate the newly gained skills}

"Yeah! is that something you need to ask"

I asked

{Chakra of The tailed beasts as well as residual essence found...The essence of Ashura found...Merging into the ultimate skill Progenitor of chakra}



{Ultimate skill [Progenitor of Chakra] has evolved into Ultimate Skill [Otsutsuki:God of Chakra]}

{Otsutsuki:God of Chakra}

Near infinite Chakra: The host has a never-ending supply of chakra

Lord of Jutsu: You can use any and all jutsu, no jutsu will have effect on you unless you allow it

Impart: impart the ability to use chakra and Senjutsu on those that you deem worthy, will loose a part of your strength depending on how much potential you impart.

The withering past: You can rewind time of enemy attacks and objects.

Ten Tailed Beast mode: Jinchuriki of ten tails beast.

progenitor: have access to all bloodlins in the naruto world

Lord of Beasts:Summon nine beasts which are loyal to you, consume a portion of your chakra

All killing Ashbones: User produces bones shaped like sticks out of their palms,those that get hit will disintegrate instantly

Six Paths Technique:User has access to all six technique of the Rinnegan.

Amaterasu:Summon the dirty of black flames that burn forever, can use the black flames without the use of Amaterasu as well

Susanoo:Summon the Susanoo, the best defence and offence avatar of Naruto world, no need to be inside of the Susanoo to keep it functioning}

"Damn,I guess I am really strong now, wonder how I measure up to the true dragons?" I couldn't help but ask myself.

I asked the system to show me my status, so that I could see for myself what I had become

Name: Jack Silver]

[Race: Domination Dragon king]

[Overall power level: Big leagues]

[Equipped Template:None]

[Owned Templates:Cedric Diggory, Midoriya Izuku, Madara Uchiha, Ikki Kurogane(99 per cent)]

[Special Template:Issei hyodou]

[Equipment: Enchanted clothes, OFA suit, Kahopachi staff]

[Ultimate skills:[Hercules:Lord of trials] [Progenitor of Chakra] [Ddraig:Heavenly Domination Dragon]

[Unique skills: Chaos Magic, Rune Magic, Enchantment , Magic Manipulation, Magic Sense, Elemental magic, Arcane Magic, Ultra Magic regeneration, Instant cast, Abnormal status nullification, Elemental Nullification, Mind control Nulification]

[Racial Skills: Domination Aura, Dragons Aura, Dragons Skin, Dragon Shot, Crimson Flames, Ultra fast Regeneration, Dragons Eyes, EMS]

Ultimate Skills Descriptions:

{Hercules: lord of Trials}

{Immortality: You have immortality, you cannot be killed, soul attacks will kill you, but you will come back to life six times before your true death, every enemy you kill, You soul becomes stronger, you can impart immortality upon anyone and take it back

Trial: Every death gives you immunity to the skill that killed you, a chance to steal the said skill also present

One above All: your strength increases once you start fightng till you are stronger then your enemy, You can manually increase your strength to the limit of your body as well.You can kill those weaker then you with a gaze.

Redirect:Direct physical attacks back to the enemy twofold, provided the attack doesn't kill you

Soul shock: If killed by a spiritual or soul attack, the attack will be delivered to the opposing party regardless of any defense)

{Ddraig:Heavenly Domination Dragon}

Domination Dragon: Summon the Domination dragon as a fighting partners, the summoned Dragon is equal to power to that of five Dragon King's and has all the abilities of Ddraig

Battle Mode: You can use all the abilities of Ddraig and can also use the crimson perishing flames that eat and destroy even the souls of your enemies

Dragon soul:You soul is that of a dragon and has the power of one.

Rage mode: you turn into a Heavenly Dragon for as long as your body supports it.You may lose your sense of self}

{Otsutsuki:God of Chakra}

Near infinite Chakra: The host has a never-ending supply of chakra

Lord of Jutsu: You can use any and all jutsu, no jutsu will have effect on you unless you allow it

Impart: impart the ability to use chakra and Senjutsu on those that you deem worthy, will loose a part of your strength depending on how much potential you impart.

The withering past: You can rewind time of enemy attacks and objects.

Ten Tailed Beast mode: Jinchuriki of ten tails beast.

progenitor: have access to all bloodlins in the naruto world

Lord of Beasts:Summon nine beasts which are loyal to you, consume a portion of your chakra

All killing Ashbones: User produces bones shaped like sticks out of their palms,those that get hit will disintegrate instantly

Six Paths Technique:User has access to all six technique of the Rinnegan.

Amaterasu:Summon the dirty of black flames that burn forever, can use the black flames without the use of Amaterasu as well

Susanoo:Summon the Susanoo, the best defence and offence avatar of Naruto world, no need to be inside of the Susanoo to keep it functioning}

Unique Skills Description:

[Chaos Magic]

Chaos Magic can warp, Manipulate and twist the fabric of reality and existence as the user sees fit , extremely hard to control magic and is said to bring insanity to the user.

others are self explanatory


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3