Chapter 246 Hiring the king

The ability to bring back people from the jaws of death, it might be even more scarier then the ability live forever, if your enemy has such an abikity, it might be really hard to get rid of them, almost impossible.

This the legion looked at Jack in a new light, to them, Jack was now someone that couldn't be messed with, or else they won't be getting rest.

The King who just came back, looked around him, his body wasn't in any kind of malnourished state, so he sprang up, but looking at the familiar people around him, he calmed down.

"Oh my god, am I seeing things?" at this moment, the ones that were saved by the legion also arrived at the destroyed bar, looking at the king who was previously dead as a log, they couldn't help but get surprised.

Some even fainted in fright, At this time, Dante who was sensible enough got the people to move back and clear the space.

"You must have questions?" Jack asked, speaking the native language, this surprising the king who had to deal with the sign language of the kree.

"Hmm." The king hummed as he looked at Jack once again, there was an awkward feeling in his heart, as if he wanted to bow in front of this...weird colored man.

The King compromised his feelings and sat on a nearby chair, Jack smiled at that, he didn't say anything, sitting back as drinks appeared out of nowhere in his hand.

"How did you do that? who are you, I noticed my people's admiration and worship for you." Asked the king, he was really bugged, plus the fact that he felt like a large part of his memory was missing, he was in the torture room, being broken by the kree, the next moment, he was back here, being told that the aliens that threatened them were defeated just like that.

"First of all, your welcome for the trip back to the living world, and secondly, they are my people now, at least the ones that have pledged their allegiance to me." Jack said as he rose two fingers in the air.

"Huh! the world of the living, you mean to say I was dead?" the King asked.

Jack didn't say anything, just looked into the man's eyes and suddenly, the king started hyperventilating, awful memories coming back to him.

"Yeah, that's why I blocked them, Bruce, help the Suran people learn how to fly those ships, I will talk with the king." Bruce took the Que and left

Jack switched his attention back to Jack,

"Are you guys from the other world as well?" He asked.

"It's called outer space, not the other world, you guys were just unfortunate enough to come into contact with the kree, a civilization who's empire spans across whole galaxies, galaxy is big enough that it looks like this." Jack snapped his fingers and they were suddenly floating in the vast expanse of space.

the King was surprised out of his mind at this, then he saw his planet, slowly they grew further apart,

'Is this how big the world, and I thought I couldn't do any better.' the King gave himself a pat on the back.

The sound of fingers snapping occurred as jack and the king came back to the small planet, inside the same bar

"So I guess now you know, it's not a different world, just the same world, but a hundred thousand times bigger than your world." Jack said calmly.

The King could only nod at that, exhaling a deep breath, he released a sigh and became relaxed, if the world was so big, then it meant their we're more forces out their.

More people who might come after them for that accursed metal

"Why did you revive me?, there is no free lunch in this world." The king asked.

He still didn't understand why someone would go ahead and revive him, he had no purpose, at least now that he knew how powerful Jack was, it almost caused him to feel like an ant talking down to an elephant when he thought about how he tried to intimidate Jack with rapid questions.

"Nothing much, I just want someone that the people are familiar with to serve as a member of my legion, in return, you get to rule over them, serving only me." Jack said.

The King who was now listening attentively sighed in sadness,

"Am I even worthy to lead them, I failed them, and those DAMN bastards left us to die as well." The king said in a sad voice as he lowered his head.

Jack smiled at that, To him, the king was really a good guy, someone who was truly compassionate to his people and someone that doesn't go back on his words.

"If you ask me, I think no one is more worthy, you stayed behind as the other two king left this planet to burn, don't you want the power to exact vengeance upon those people who abandoned your people, I will give you that power, I only ask for you to manage them for me in return, I plan on building an empire, one that will crush all others, but I can't manage everything." Jack encouraged the sad king , adding a little promise of vengeance as he did so.


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