Chapter 247 Identity exposed

Jack's words ignited a flame inside the king's eyes, Jack knew at this moment that he had won over the king.

"How will you grant me the power?" the king asked.

"It's easy for me, you will be acknowledged by me, receive a new name and be reborn as a new man." Jack answered calmly.

After a moment of silence, The king finally stood up, walked in front of Jack, and took a knee.

"I, King of Suran, acknowledge Sir as the only lord I shall serve." He started with conviction.

Jack also summoned a sword out of his magic and did a knight ceremony for the sake of it.

"And I, Jack Silver, the Dragon King of domination, Grant you, the King of Suran, the name of Ryuuji, Shall you be reborn and serve to protect your people and exact vengeance on behalf of those that have been wronged." As Jack did so.

A crimons white light surrounded the king, Jack knew it will take some time for this to end so he decided to leave him be in the care of the immortal legion.

He had suddenly received a distress signal from Peter Parker, his friend.


Earth- Avengers Towers- Meeting room.

"How are we going to deal with this?" Questioned Fury as he spoke with a voice of defeat.

"What do you mean, of course we have to find her?" retorted Tony as he slammed a picture on the table, if Jack was here, he would be shocked, on the paper was the picture of his mother which had 'top secret' printed on it.

"I never would have thought this MODOK will become such a big threat, he has unimaginable talent and the powers of a psychic." Tony said as he rubbed his arms, which were bruised a bit.

A few days ago, they finally had a run in with the new villain they were trying to uncover, as expected, the villain had the same dreams of conquering the world, he was backed by a scientifically advanced organisation.

The Avengers, Including Tony, Natasha, Captain, Bucky and Wolverine were able to barely escape with their lives.

As for what happened, the villain had used his talent being a genius to somehow deduce the identity of their strongest avenger.

Jack Silver, son of Martha Silver.

And to top it off, the organization under MODOK had taken her hostage, with Avengers being none the wiser enough to locate her in time to safeguard her.

"I can't believe I had alcohol with him, I hope we don't get jailed for that." Tony quipped, trying to make the situation less messier then it was, but failing miserably.

"Tony! there are more pressing matters for us to discuss than your daily shitty life, The problem is that Martha, Jack's mother was working on something that might increase the force of these people." Fury lectured Tony a bit as he slammed another file on the table, a new projection opened on the hologram as the details of her work came on it, Fury continued for those that couldn't understand the extremely scientific words on the paper.

"She was working with Norman Osborn who we all now know as Green Goblin to develop a serum, that once injected into a human, would grant him the regenerative capability of a thousand men. No illness would be able to inflict harm." Fury continued as he looked at each member in their eyes.

"But it also gives them super strength, the catch being those injected with the serum develop double personalities, Anger issues, mental issues and many more such disorders, we have to find Martha Silver, so that we can stop the A.I.M from using her." Fury ended.

"Why don't we just give Jack a call from outer space, he has some explaining to do, I thought I was his best friend." Tony said.

"We could, but is this really what we should do, he is busy up there fighting god knows what, let's show him what we can do down here, alright." Captain who was quiet for a while spoke up.

Though Tony was quick to retort, he looked angry

"Exactly! I get that he is strong and all, but he is still a child in age, and now the whole world knows his identity."

Everyone became silent at that, although they all wanted to deny it, it didn't mean they didn't think about it, but they also knew that this child or teen, had done more they all of them ever could, except for Captain and Fury who had given their whole life for the cause.

"Tony...I know this is hard for you to digest, But that so-called kid is much smarter and perhaps more mature than all of us, he has proven with his actions that we can no longer see him as a child, he is one of us, he is the strongest avenger."

Captain consoled Tony, who gave him a glare but didn't speak anymore.

"Alright then, we have all the possible locations where Martha might be kept accord...." Tony and Fury began explaining the plan to stop AIM as they extrapolated the location of Martha Silver, the mother of the strongest avenger, while Cap went downstairs to curb the media.


In an abandoned warehouse filled with future tech and expensive material, a certain teenager could be seen crawling through the vents as he watched a women being escorted by the weirdly clothed men.

"Damn, where am I, what is this place?" The spider couldn't help but curse as he looked at the men roughly escorting a women that had a sack over her face, he had noticed them by chance, but couldn't act in time as the guard summoned an invisible jet and took the women from the streets of New York, the best he could do was swing over and stick himself to the jet, and here he was, crawling through the ducts as he sneaked up on the guards.

'Oh my god, these guys are all over the place, and how am I going to get her out of here, Silence, activate yourself, will Ya." Peter spoke in a very low tone as he felt his suit thrum.


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