Chapter 248 look Ma! No Hands

Martha was feeling scared, she had never been in such an extreme situation before, although her competitors used to threaten her, she had an umbrella called Osborn on her head, then she became a scientist under the alchemist association, an organization belonging to one of the strongest avenger.

The only thing on her mind was, her little baby, she still couldn't believe that her cute little baby was the strongest avenger. The kid, no, the man who saved New York and the whole world, someone that could cure the strongest diseases with a simple gesture.


the sound of the retractable door borough her out of her thoughts as she looked at who came in, a giant head came floating towards her, although this would have caused her to laugh in any other situation, but she better

This man was MODOK, someone that had defeated the avengers once, it wasn't a hidden fact as this guy had the knack for showing off his achievement.

"Me Hehehehe! Mrs.Martha, I wonder if my men gave you any trouble." The massive head floated in front of Martha, his eyes shined as he so passively tried to invade her mind.

Martha who was looking at him, also felt some kind of weird feeling before it disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"Huh! interesting" The giant spoke as he floathed around Martha as if studying her

"As expected of you, the mother of the strongest man on the you know why you are here?"

"Because you want the formula" Martha replied

"Yes, exactly, there is another matter however, you, Miss, are the key to my victory, my recent bout with the Avengers has led me to believe that alone, I can't be victorious, but if I have the key to controlling someone like your son, then I think it's quite obvious what I am trying to tell you" Modok repeated as he giggled in a weird manner.

Martha felt anger at that, she was going to be used as a way to control her precious son

"And why do you think I will help you, huh!" Martha roared at Modok, who only snorted in return

"I guess you are not really that much of a genius, are you? when your son comes back, he will see that I hold your life and death in my hands, then...hahahaha" Modok couldn't help but laugh as he thought about controlling a walking nuke, complying with his every whim, not to mention, being able to study him.

A few men stepped in, in their hands was a collar, Seeing the collar, Martha had a vague idea of what was going to happen so she tried to grab onto the weapons of one of the guards.

Modok was clearly able to see this, so he just chuckled and raised his hands, holding Martha in place, Just as he was about to clip the collar into place with an evil laughter.


The sound of Peters spider webs rang out as the guards became engulfed in a cocoon of heavy webs that they couldn't escape no matter what,although the next moment, the guards pressed a button on their suits turning the suits hot red as they easily got rid of the web and started firing at Peter.

"Damn, you guys are hot!" Peter joked as he skillfully dodged the energy rifles that could tear through most metals easily.

Though Peter wasn't able to get to Jack's mother, now that he recognized her, he couldn't just sit idly by, as he was about to ask his AI to notify Jack somehow, provided the AI was created by Jack, so it must have a way to contact him.

Peter who was busy dodging bullets also had his eyes on the weird new villain named Modok, and he knew that the villain had given the avengers a run for their money.

Modok who saw the spider-themed hero run around, beating his men one by one, knew time was of the essence, he used his psychic powers to hold the women in the air

"Don't worry, this will hurt just a little" The villain consoled as he floated towards the struggling Martha, as he was about to put on the collar.


His tiny arms fell off, with a thud they made an impact on the ground, For a moment, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the bloody hands that marked the ground.

"eh, Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Before everyone could register what happened, Modok who was just about to achieve victory, had his arm chopped off and earned a world of pain.

Though the next moment, what happened scared the shit out of everyone present except Martha and Peter, who looked at Jack happily


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3