Chapter 249

The sound Of Modoks screams resounded throughout the spacious room as everyone looked at the man that appeared out of nowhere.

A boy with silver hair, the newest sensation in the world, some would say he was the most well known person in the person now, people used different names to address him.

Peter who was about to bitch slap a goon called out to Jack.

"Jack!" He called out,

Jack also looked at him and nodded, he then floated next to his mother who was still looking at her son who was floating in the air.

Just yesterday, she remembered sending her son to school, how the hell did he turn into such a different man, someone that was responsible for protecting the world from aliens and whatnot.

"Are you alright mother?" Jack asked calmly as several spells were cast over her, checking her conditions, although Jack had made sure that his mother won't be hurt while he is away, it didn't mean he wasn't doubtful.

Anything could happen, fortunately Great sage confirmed that nothing wrong happened so Jack heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mother, I have some business to take care of, I will send you back for now, you too Spidey." Jack waved his hands as both Spidey and Martha who were about to say something disappeared from view.

"Now then, I hope you all are prepared to die." Jack said in a relaxed manner.

Modok who was now sporting a mechanical hand where his hand was chopped off fired blasts of energy at Jack who didn't even bother to put up any defenses.

"Take this, you bastard, ahhh." Modok yelled as he fired all forms of energy attacks, he even tried to hijack Jack's mind but all for nought as nothing much happened.

"Is this all, I am afraid I don't have the whole day to accompany you, tell me, you are so smart that you uncovered my identity, so why weren't you able to deduce that I could pulverize you?" Jack was curious about this.

He felt that despite the villains having intelligence higher than most heroes, still they end up making mistakes that cause them big time.

As Jack was about to pulverize Modok, a beam of light suddenly fell from above, Jack who was strong enough to bust planets felt himself being restrained.

"Kukukukuku, you dumb human, I finally have you in my grasp, who do you think you are to belittle the great Modok." Modok who was crazily laughing failed to notice Jack's relaxed expression.

Although the weird energy field was able to stop Jack in its tracks, it was because Jack wasn't trying to get out.

'Plus most villains tell their grand scheme if you let them feel like they have won Jack thought with amusement.

Meanwhile, he also studied the field around him, and upon further inspection, he found out it was made of Asgardian technology and magic.

'Who among the Asgardians has a grudge against me, only Loki and Enchantress come to mind.' Jack thought.

"I had help from a certain god, as you know, the enemy of my enemy is a friend or whatever, hahaha." Modok laughed in glee as he saw Jack who was restrained by the field.

"So that's it, no wonder you were able to get my identity, you were in cahoots with Loki, weren't you." Jack asked.

Modok who was laughing suddenly fell quiet, it shouldn't be possible to speak for the human before him, yet he was able to do so with ease,

Jack also released his aura, which directly destroyed the field of energy around him, sending everyone flying back, and knocking them to the ground.


Modok felt like he was going to die, he was energy being released by the strongest Avenger was something that scared him to the core.

"Although I can't say it was nice meeting you, thanks for the clue, goodbye."

A beam of purple light fell on Mordok.

"Nooooooooo....." the last thing Modok felt was the inexplicable feeling of power coursing through his body, before it became too much for him to handle, sending him into a world of pain, killing him and turning his remains into ashes.

The men belonging to AIM couldn't help but tremble as they immediately threw their weapons and kneeled in submission.

Jack spread his senses throughout the hidden. lair before he was sure no innocent was inside.

Snapping his fingers, the whole place was engulfed in fire as everyone died, leaving no second-rate villain alive.

Jack also didn't remain idle and left the place, returning to his home where his mother was waiting for him along with a red and blue theme spider man.

"Oh shit, you scared me man!" Peter who was in his alter ego form,couldn't help but yelp as he turned around, thinking they were being attacked again.

"Thanks for taking care of my mother."

"No problem, that what we heroes do, don't we?" Spiderman replied as he shook Jack's hands. He felt much closer to him as he now knew that the mysterious strongest avengers were his friend.

"I will give you two some privacy, goodbye." And Peter left through the window as he swung away.

"He's a nice kid." Martha replied as she saw him swing away.

Seeing Peter swing away, Martha turned around and looked at Jack who had his face down in guilt.


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