Chapter 234

It didn't take long before the ships arrived close to the devastated lands which was still burning with embers of flame due to the fight Jean and Jack just had.

A smaller ship arrived on the surface and a voice was released.

"Host of the Phoenix, you have been condemned for the crimes of killing a billions of people and a planet of he Shi'ar Empire."

Jack finally understood what this was all about, apparently, these guys were here to take away jean for the crimes she did not commit.

"What the hell are you talking about." Jean shouted from down below, she was rather flustered from the sudden verdict.

The said ship wasn't too keen on answering her questions and proceeded to spout none sense.

"Put your hands behind your head and kneel." the voice spoke as several aliens came out.

Jack who was standing beside her assessed the power levels and knew they weren't that dangerous, but the weapon in their hands was designed to take care of someone like Jean.

"Don't worry, they are after the Phoenix, you are it's host, and in perfect control of your powers, avoid being hit by those rifles they carry and you will be fine." Jack said as he comforted his friend,who visibly calmed down once she realized who was standing beside her.

"Forces of the Shi'ar empire, I advise you to stand down and talk this out like adults, if you are here to judge the Phoenix, you must know that it's hist has nothing to do with what you have been through." Jack said In a calm voice.

But it reached every single ship that was orbiting the planet they were on, which surprised them

But the thousands of year's of ruling as an intergalactic race had gotten to their heads, they didn't know who jack was, to them, he was just an insect.

*Phreee* a laser as fired towards jack, upon seeing the attack headed towards him, Jack just raised his hands and the attack was stopped by a slab of earth that rose from the ground.

"If you don't want to talk it out,I will have you talk to my fists." Jack said as he pulled back.

As he made a punching gesture, a vast amount of aura leaked out, a giant fist made out of red energy came into being as it struck a multitude of ships.

Sending the flying as they exploded and broke into several pieces.

Jack lowered his fists, in the next moment though, the other ships on standby started acting and a barrage of lasers were fired at them.

Jack erected a shield that easily took care of the attacks, While all of this was happening, Jack didn't stay quiet and opened his mouth, releasing a breath attack.

Every ship that got in the way was pulverized, this took care of half the ships. The remaining ships, including the giant ship, started retreating in haste as they saw they were unable to act.

In no time the place became as quiet as before.

"Well, that was anticlimactic, you really became so strong,didn't you." Jean said as she eyed me.

"That I have, come on, let's go back, I don't think we will be coming here to train ever again, and I have another empire to deal with." Jack said as he eyed the new mission from the system.

[Deal with the enmity between Phoenix and Shi'ar empires -S grade ]

Jack snapped his fingers out of a forced habit and because he liked it, the next moment, they were back in the ship, Bruce was busy with something so both of them went to sleep.

As Jack sat down, the great sage told him about the souls he has harvested, coupled with the ones inside the stomach of his Yama from Rinnegan, he had a total of 5000 souls ready, he needed 10,000 souls to become a demons lord, and a demons seed.

"I wonder if I will get to upgrade Great Sage and Predator if I become a Demond lord." With that thought, Jack went to sleep.


Waking up the next day, Jack was again invited to have dinner with the Nova Prime, though he was intercepted by an impatient guardian of the galaxy on the way, who was being stopped by the Nova guards from being a nuisance.

Jack asked Jean and Bruce to go in ahead as he walked towards Peter Quill who was being detained by the Nova Empire forces.

"Uncufff him." Jack ordered.

Although the Xandarian forces were not under the orders of Jack, he was still much stronger then anyone on the planet, and no one has forgotten his help in defending their planet.

Peter who was finally free from the guards starigjtened his clothes and looked at Jack in a frustrated way.

"I have been trying to get in contact with you for so long." Peter said in irritation, Jack didn't put his attitude to mind.

Although he knew what Peter wanted from him, he still waited and sure enough, Peter spoke with a serious attitude as he looked at him.

"I have some questions, I would be really happy if you could answer them." Peter said in a pleading tone, the constant reminder about his parantage was tearing him apart for a whole day.

"Sure, I don't mind that, lets go somewhere else though." with a nod from Peter, Jack snapped his finger and the both of them disappeared.

Surprising the other guardians who were observing from a distance.