Chapter 235 The truth about Peter Quill

Jack and Peter Arrived in a well deserved restaurant in Xandar,

Jack looked at Peter and said "It's your treat right?"

Peter just noted as they sat down, a waiter took the order, once things were in order, the already impatient Peter quill couldn't hold ot in any longer as he asked in a hushed voice.

"What do you know about my father?" He asked.

"I thought I told you everything." Jack answered as he drank his wine, alien wine was weird for him, it had a very salty taste, as if he was drinking cucumber water or something.

"No you haven't, don't waste my time if you know what's best for you." Peter said as he looked at Jack in anger.

If it were some crook or another guy, Jack would have been angry and might have dealt with the said person swiftly, but Peter was a hero, and someone who just found out that his father isn't dead.

Jack replied calmly and in a way so that Peter is able to get the full picture,

"Look Pete, I can call you pete?!, right!, anyway, as I said, your father is someone that is known as a celestial, he has been looking for a body that is able to hold his power, and so he implanted the universe with his seed, and asked the scavanger Yondu to kidnap you from your mother because you were the only surviving son he got."

Jack waited as Peter got a hold of himself, seeing as the guy was calm and much as someone who is in for a shock of his life is supposed to be, Jack continued anyway.

He was never someone to hide the truth, unless it effected someone he held close.

"And he wants to meet you to lure you in and use you as a personal battery,effectively taking care of every civilization and destroying entire planets, engulfing people and stuff. All in all, your daddy is a bad man, I will put him right up their with Thanos."

Jack told him everything he could remember and understand.

"How can I believe that everything you said is the truth?" Peter asked, his voice cracking under the pressure and the shocking news.

His whole life he had felt as if a piece of him was missing, and now when he finds out that his father is alive, and is possibly looking for him, he finds out the guy is a criminal, a crazy lunatic like Thanos.

Peter couldn't understand the process and slammed his hands on the table, his hands balled into a fist, Jack also felt an energy signature inside Peter rise up, he only hoped that Ego doesn't find out, not like the guy has anything on him.

Jack enveloped the whole planet in a barrier so that Ego hopefully doesn't get a whiff of his son,

"You need to calm down, you don't see it but the energy inside your body is acting up, everyone around us will end up dead, best scenario is they won't even know they died, calm down, or else you won't get to hear the last part." Jack reminded Peter.

Peter who was bubbling like lava visibly calmed down as the mysterious terrans voice entered his mind...

"Hmm, as for why you should believe me,I think you already know the answer, if I was really some conman, would you be willing to wait a whole day just to talk to me." Jack gave his verdict.

The mood to eat was already ruined, and the restaurant waiters were also wary of what was happening, the only reason they weren't asked to leave was because of Jack who was a hero to them.

"Tell me the rest...please." Peter said with finality in his voice.

"Your mother....she was killed by Ego, he put the tumor in her head."

Jack who had an idea of what would happen once the info was released, immediately teleported Peter to another location.

'Why did I even chose to go to a restaurant in the first place, I hope they don't place any charges on me.'

Jack immediately used the spatial powers to keep a lock on Peter and reached his consciousness with telepathy.

It took some time, but Jack was successfully able to bring the happy go guy back to normal.

Looking at the wheezing Peter quill, who was silently weeping as well as he grabbed the hard surface of Xandar in an attempt to channel his inner rage and get rid of it.

Jack waited a while for Peter to get back to normal, he didn't know how to console a drowning man.

He could only gently pat the man and let him be.

'This feels like a Deja vu.'


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