Chapter 254 Mar-Vell arrives

"You went without me!" Jean said as she hovered closer to him, ignoring the watchful eyes of Peter and the others.

As she did so, Jack also didn't shy away, though before something else could happen, Jack's immortal legion arrived.

"We welcome back the Lord!" They shouted in unison.

Jack was used to this, but his friends were surprised by the alienated appearance of these people, as well as the fact that they were calling Jack a lord.

"A lord! is this a joke" Felicia joked, though it wasn't well received by Zera, who subtly glared at her.

Jean also gave a look before sighing, only she knew what Jack had done for these people, he had turned them from poor weak people to strong bastards who won't die no matter what.

She also understood these people were from Earth, not to mention friends of Jack,

"Guys, these are the immortal legion, a group of people who have become unkillable, they are the main part of my army, and each one of them is as strong as any of our resident heroes." Jack introduced his friends to his legion.

Although they were only a few members,but each one of them was capable of causing untold havic if asked to.

The members of the legion were also taking notes secretly as they were curious how others of their lords race compared to him, and the answers were disappointing.

Only the kid and the ones that came with the lord before we're worth putting in their eyes, Jack also noticed their looks and couldn't help but sigh.

"You shall treat them the same as you treat Jean, is that clear?" Jack asked.

""""Yes, my lord."""

Jack nodded in satisfaction, it was then that he noticed a rather strong presence in the area, it was most likely the king he had given a new life to, he half expected to meet death herself by bringing back this guy but nothing happened.

Jack gave Jean a look, who immediately understood what he implied.

"Come guys, I will introduce you to some things on this planet" Jean said as she led the group away, Jack also took his time and walked through a portal, appearing near the previous king

Jack nodded as he looked at the king who was calmly floating in the sky,

'He has gained some nice things, even stronger then Zera and the others.' Thought Jack.

He could see what his Subordinates could learn and have acquired, also allowing him to use and acquire their skills.

The King, now named Ryuuji was a half dragon now, although he still didn't have a full dragon transformation like Jack, he could still do a partial humanoid dragon transformation.

He had attained Flame manipulation, Extreme stamina, Space manipulation, Lightning manipulation and mana manipulation. any of these were enough to make him strong, but he gained all of them,

not to mention his half dragon origin that will allow him to withstand most attacks and deal explosive attacks.

"You have grown strong." Jack commented, the king opened his now slited eyes as he immediately knelt in front of Ryuuji.

"This subordinate reports to the lord." The king, Ryuuji, said as he kept kneeling.

Jack looked around the area that seemed like it had gone through hell,

"Not bad, I guess you are now much stronger than any of your fellow brethren, I hope that doesn't cause you to become arrogant and die a dogs death at someones hands." Jack warned.

"This subordinate understands, Lord, do you have any orders for me?" Ryuuji asked as he looked at Jack.

"Hmm, I guess you can keep a lookout for any enemy attacks, and go ahead and deal with the rest of the...just keep an eye for any attacks and rebuild this place while you are at it"

Jack who was originally about to ask the king to go with the legion and free the other areas was informed the planet was already free of most kree soldiers,

The only thing needed now was to rebuild this place and keep an eye out for an attack from the kree which Jack suspected will happen any day.

The Kree were extremely arrogant and racist bastards that would not stop at anything to get what they want.

As Jack was thinking this, he felt another strong presence enter the stratosphere, so did the King, who grew excited at the thought of a fight,especially now that he was stronger.

Jack also noticed this, he shook his head as a wry smile appeared on his face.

Ryuuji waited for his lord's order.

"Fine! go and play, but don't kill her, she is not an enemy." Jack had noticed who was coming.

It was the famed Marvel, the feminist that was hated by the fans and loved by some.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I am sick as hell bruh ! plus my final exams are coming next week,pray for me