Chapter 255

Jack watched with interest as Carol Danvers stops mid air as she spotted Ryuuji flying towards her without any sort of device.

He had no wings or such, but the figure kept flying towards her at extreme speeds. Carol at his moment adopted a condescending attitude as she said

"Where are the kree, tell me before I run out of patience" She said as her hands glowed in a dangerous light.

Ryuuji who was previously thinking of asking questions was offended, his half-dragon origins had made him a somewhat arrogant creature,

"hmph! you dare question me? who are you? state your purpose for entering Suran or face the consequences" Ryuuji released his aura pushing the strong and arrogant Carol away

she showed a surprised expression before it quickly turned into one of fury

"Suit yourself!" She yelled as her helmet came up.

with a burst in her step she showed overwhelming speed and flew into Ryuuji who still didn't have any fighting experience, especially one that was in the air.

He threw an arc of lightning at Carol who didn't even bat an eye as it struck her, she spinned midair and landed a powered kick at Ryuuji who fell through the air like a comet.


"That was harsh, but not something he can't handle" Jack muttered as he watched the fight from afar.

As expected, he earth seemed to tremble as Ryuuji rocketed out of the rubble and launched himself towards Carol, delivering a powerful fist towards Carol who also didn't bother to dodge the attack.


The intensity of the attack caused her to spin in the air for a great distance as the flames engulfed her body, Though she had seen much worse and quickly released an energy wave from her body, dispelling the flames and stabilising herself.

"You are strong, whatever you are, but this ends now" Carol said as she started firing powerful beams of energy at Ryuuji while flying towards him.

Ryuuji didn't wait either as he also turned to his full strength and became a human dragon hybrid with wings and horns along with red scales that we're sturdy and seemed to reflect the sunlight.

"Hmph! I could say the same to you," Ryuuji also started closing in on Carol as they both threw combinations of ranged attacks and melee attacks one after another.

It seemed like Ryuuji was losing at he start but the man was slowly learning from his mistakes, as time passed, the other members of the legions also came forward, but none decided to interfere as they sensed Jack's wishes.

Ryuuji who was initially at a disadvantage was now simply playing around with Carol using his space manipulation skills, any attacks that managed to pass towards him were hardly able to make him draw blood as they would lose their power the closer they got to him.

Jack nodded at this, it seems like the king was an adept fighter and good at making use of his powers.

After a while, Ruuuji finally had enough as he used the space manipulation to trap the arrogant women in a loop.

Although her powers were gained from the tesseract, they didn't work in the same way and didn't have much of a space properties.

Jack also used a barrier to make sure she wouldn't act out, once he did so, he led the immortal legion and came forward to greet her.

"You..are you a terrain? what are you doing here?" She asked, Jack couldn't help but feel like he wanted to punch her in the face, as no matter what she did, he felt like she was looking down on him.

Though someone else beat him to it

"You Dare question our lord" Zera and the others sent out attacks that passed through the barrier and attacked Carol, who couldn't help but yelp as even with her strong defences and body, caused her quite some injuries.

"Alright, stop, she is not an enemy" Jack ordered as he lifted the barrier as well as erased he spatial spell placed on Carol.

"My name is Jack, I am an avenger, we have a common friend named Fury" Jack explained, although he didn't need to.

"Fury..its nice hearing a familiar name after a long time" A small smile adorned the woman's face as she remembered her adventure on earth.

"So what are you doing here,I know from fury you have been fighting against the kree for a while" questioned Jack

though he regretted it the next moment as the woman displayed a proud expression.

"I am here to save the people of Suran from the aggression and cruel ways of the Kree" She answered with her head held high

Jack couldn't help but show a wry smile, as he pointedly looked around him,although there were some differences, the immortal legion still displayed major characteristics of the Suran race.

"As you can see,we already have out lord and don't need your protection, you can go back to whatever hole you came from" Zera snarled and gave a snarky comment as she eyed the women.

Now it was time for Carol Danvers to feel awkward


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