Chapter 257

Jack used his powers as a multilayered barrier was erected outside the town, so no attacks would pass through this town.

While Jack was busy doing that, the legion was busy arming their forces.

Each member was given a thousand soldiers, while the elderly and the children waited inside the city.

"My people, it is I, your previous king, now I serve no one but our Lord, my name is Ryuuji." Ryuuji shouted at the top of his lungs as the army shouted in cheers.

To them, a familiar face was much more appropriate to lead them, but that didn't mean he had forgotten what the man named Jack had done for them.

"Are you all willing to charge into battle against insurmountable odds and fight for our planet, then take up the weapons and lead with me." Ryuuji took a spear that was made from mutated vibranium, and so did others, the vibranium was the reason they were being bullied, but I was also going to be the reason for their victory today.

Zera came forward and took her weapon as well, and so did the other legion members and the rest of the army.

Jack had made these weapons using the mutated vibration available, he could even make metals like these from scratch so nothing bad like resource depletion was going to happen.

Jack wasn't doing any of these things personally as Great sage was responsible for this as well as making some ships for the Nova empire as well as for the Suran planet.

Jack designed ships that would be extremely fast as well as sturdy enough to deflect the blasts from most of the ship variants he had seen till now.

It was not wrong to say that Jack was weaponizing the inhabitants of Suran planet to fight against the kree.

As night fell, one could see various sizes of ships appearing outside the atmosphere of Suran.

This time, there were no threats, no last warnings as the mother ship beamed with energy, a giant blast was fired as it went straight for the immortal city.

Though the Kree came with no intentions of mercy, they didn't expect the beam fired from the mother ship would do no damage to the city.

A multilayered barrier came to life as it thrummed with energy, rippling for a while like a bubble before it calmed down.

"Impossible! this blast could even fire a hole in the defenses of Xandar if it were fired." One of the generals shouted in surprise.

Before he spoke,

"Send in the attacking ships and...deploy the bastards." He said as he received an affirmative nod from his aid,

"I don't know why he is supporting you, but today we have the might of a whole empire, let's see if you can win now." He smirked with confidence.

As he did so, the black light less ground of the planet below them seemed to light up, then the captain noticed that this was not light, but thousands of ships coming to life.

"DEPLOY ALL ATTACK SHIPS, I REPEAT, DEPLOY ALL ATTACK SHIPS, ACTIVATE THE MOTHER SHIPS DEFENSE SYSTEM." The captain saw the magnitude of the army below him and couldn't help but be surprised.

He couldn't believe his eyes as the unusually fast ships started pulverizing the Kree ships to bits, this had been the first in history, at least the history he had learned.

The sky was filled with the sounds of fires and blasts, it was like fireworks were happening,

Jack was calmly watching all of this from the balcony of his castle,

His friends slowly walked towards him as they looked at the sky filled with countless ships with some worry.

"What the hell is happening, it was fine moments ago." Gwen looks at the skies as she wonders,

"This barrier, how does it work?" Peter asked, wondering what erected this.

"Made by yours truly." Jack replied,

"Is it that hard light technology that your company is providing for the NYPD?"

"Eh! they are already selling it off, no, this is just magic." Jack replied,

"Ah, is that so, hey! I was wondering if I can learn magic or something like that." At this moment, Felicia who was quiet suddenly asked as her eyes flashed with a curious and mischievous light.

"It depends, everyone can learn magic, just the speed of learning is different for everyone." Jack replied,

"Are you not going to help them?" Peter asked him.

This was in his mind for a while but he didn't want to sound rude.

"I am helping them, this is the best I can do, I have given them enough, it's time they stand up."



I slept late, sorry for the late update

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3