Chapter 258 Suran Wins

Jack watched as a rather distinct ship that looked early similar fo Ronans Ester ship came flying into the planet.

"Are they the top guns of Kree, the accusers." Jack muttered.

"Accusers what?" Peter asked a little confused.

"It's nothing, I helped stop the destruction of Xandar right, well that guy is also known as to an the accusar, he was given the title by the supreme intelligence and there are other with that name." Peter and the others nodded in understanding.

"Let's go in and have some dinner, the legion can take care of whoever is inside." Jack said as he leisurely walked into the castle.

The others looked at each other for a while before they also made their way inside,it's not like they were going to be of any help, except Peter, but he doubted he could pass he barrier set up by Jack.

While Jack made some delicious and beautiful looking food for his friends, the legion was busy bringing one of the strongest empires to it's knees.

The kree soldiers had come to the planet expecting some meager stone age barbarians but the moment they entered the planet, they were met with thousands of ships that were many times faster and better then their attack and scouting ships desimged to be fast and compact.

Not to mention those men and women with each having weird powers.

the kree spent their whole time fighting with one eye covering their backs, scared that whom they call the boogeyman will suddenly snap their necks as soon as they let their guard down.

A blazing women that could burn you to cinders, another that could summon extreme weather with a single swipe of her fingers.

The worst of all being that their ballistic missiles that we're capable of rupturing planets were easily thwarted by a translucent barrier covering the city.

"This is bullshit."

A soldier screamed as he threw his weapons away and kneeled.

His actions were the domino that started breaking every soldier. One by one, many soldiers started Kneeling, the action become much common once the mother ship got destroyed as Zers tore through the thing

"Oh my God!" One of the soldiers couldn't help but shout as he was being cuffed by a Suran soldier

"This is what happens to those that defy our lord." The Suran said as he pulled the soldier along him,

Just as the Kree soldiers were at their worst, they saw the new Ester ship flying into the atmosphere, and this caused them to feel excited as they knew what this ship signified.

"It's the Accusers! we are saved." The commander shouted, but was soon dead as his heart disappeared from his body, appearing in Dante's hands.

"Not really." He answered as he vanished from his place.

The Dark ester charged an attack, the towns barrier rippled for a while before it calmed down

Many of the soldiers that had surrendered were fired up by the arrival of the Ship and started struggling, so much so that it was getting harder to contain them.

"Come on, let's fight once more for our empire, glory to the Kree, haaaa!" A soldier shouted as he bravely raised his gun to the sky, roaring with newfound vigor as he looked up at the ship.

Though his vigor quickly died down and disappeared into the darkness once a defeating explosion rang out as smoke started rising from the ship.

Followed by many explosions, it felt like fireworks were going on as everyone watched the ship dismantle piece by piece,

Soon the ship also fell,

"Impossible, the accusers are the strongest members of the kree military forces." One of the kree shouted, so much so that his eyes were read from the things happening around him.

This day marked a humiliating loss for the Kree empire, a week later, the Kree came again, but this time, with respect and humbleness present in their eyes.

Their body hunched as they didn't date provoke the guy named Jack and his army of freaks.

The name of the Immortal legion spread far and wide as videos of the battle left everyone shocked, also increasing the sake of the new scout level ships that Jack made.


A new cemetery was made near the legion city/immoryal city, names of those that were lost in battle and those that were lost to the brutality of the Kree empire were etched.

Jack also came and paid his respect, as well as made sure that those that died in battle wouldn't be forgotten, he also chose five more members for the legion.

peter and the others went back to Earth as well since they still had school, Jack still had some reservations if he should go to school or not.

As Jack stood on the castle grounds, looking out at the town that was growing bigger and beautiful by the day.

'Maybe I should visit a new world.'


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3