Chapter 265

The man of steel himself floated onstage as he cracked his knuckles, ready to fight me.

I reciprocated the action and gave a 'come get me a sign.

To say that this was the first time in many years that I felt pressured was an understatement, although I could have used kryptonite or magic to weaken him as he was weak to them, I didn't as I wanted a somewhat of fair fight.

The next moment the man of steel was in my face with his extremely fast speed managing to scratch my face as I dodged hurriedly, the man didn't let up and kept sending in one punch after the other at me in hopes of dealing damage.

It didn't help that he was relentless in his pursuit as I was forced back with each blow, but that didn't mean I was idle as I gathered strength in my fists and delivered a good punch to his face that sent him flying back, shooting up a storm of dust, which I was surprised as this was supposed to be a spaceship, not some desert or shit.

"Ouch! That hurt" Superman said as he rubbed his jaw, which couldn't help but make me smile, though the man didn't stop as he shot himself at me, I evaded the flying fists once again as I moved around him and grabbed his cape, using it to pull him back before I gave another punch, this time I had it infused with the power of the power stone that was granted to me, my ultimate skill Hercules was also acting up as my strength increased another fold even when I wasn't even trying to.

"Gahh" the man issued a small shout of pain as he was sent crashing into the shield, I flew towards him as I pinned him to the wall of the shield, and kept delivering one punch after another.

On my tenth punch, I finally drew the man's blood, though it seemed the man of steel also became serious as his eyes glowed a dangerous red I didn't bother with a let the beam hit me as my body produced scales, effectively dealing with the extremely powerful beam.

"You are gonna have to get serious to even manage to deal a single blow, supes, I am not a weak ass opponent...and I HATE it when someone looks down on me" I couldn't help but curse as I punched him into the ground

The battle also came to a close as Batman concluded the fight. I looked at the other members of the league who were looking at me as if they had seen a ghost.

I gave my hand as the man of steel took it and stood up, no doubt he was feeling ready to fight me again.

"Sorry for looking down on you," he said as he rubbed his hair awkwardly. I also didn't have anything against me as I was just returning the favor.

"Let's fight again someday," I said to him, to which he nodded with a smile as I looked at the other members and asked

"Anybody else up for a fight, not you martian, my mind is rather powerful, I don't want you losing your mind, though you can try and see," I said as martian was about to step forward.

In the end, I was welcomed to another room where Batman again asked me some questions about my world as well as my origin, if I was an alien or not and whatnot, I also asked him some questions.

To say that I was surprised by their answers was an understatement

"You are saying that you don't know the whereabouts of one of the most dangerous people on earth" I looked at them with ridicule as the league members descended into silence

"To be fair, we did have a couple of mishaps here and there..." Flash spoke up but was quickly shut down by Batman's glare.

"Exactly why are you looking for him?" superman asked with his hands folded together

"..." I became quiet at that, as I am pretty sure that they wouldn't just let me kill him, I remember these guys have a stupid no-kill rules

After Batman asked about all my abilities and such, he let me go as I returned to my room


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3