Chapter 266

As I walked back to my room, I couldn't help but cough out some blood

"Damn! Superman is strong, though I can still defeat him even in a simple brawl, plus he fights like an idiot, I thought someone from the league would have trained him better"

"Great Sage! Can you help me find out the location of bizarro and any other being that has the krytonian DNA" I asked the sage as I could have done so myself

But searching wasn't my department, and great sage was much better at it.

(Yes, host!)

with that out of the way I took a shower and then started playing some games to pass my time while I thought about to how to further increase my strength in this world, if there was even a chance of that happening.

He also remembered that since the superman template was done with, he could just get two new templates to master if nothing else worked.

"I don't even really know what timeline this is, a it looks like the young justice timeline, but there are some differences here and there" Jack thought as he tried to beat his best score.


After a while Jack decided to do two draws at the same time,

"I am still not strong enough to face people like Uatu that have the ability to travel time and stuff, much less celestial that can wipe planets with ease."

with a newfound spirit, Jack called out

"System, do two template draws!"

[Initiating template draw]

[Host has been awarded with the 'Sentry']

[Host has been awarded with the 'Percy Jackson']

"Hm, I don't know who is stronger, the sentry or the superman, I guess in the end it depends on which one I am talking about" Jack muttered as he looked at the two templates.

"And is this the percy Jackson from that movie from rick, the author was really capable"

[The sentry]


Superhuman physical condition

Superhuman senses

Energy manipulation






Microscopic vision

Telescopic vision

Infrared vision

X-Ray vision


Psionic powers


Matter manipulation



Power sharing

[Percy Jackson

Abilities: Demi god Body, Son of the big three, Earth shaker, Water manipulation, Mist manipulation, Will, Poison control,]

"Holy shit! Sentry is really strong, seems like I got the sentry from the comics and not son washy superman kinda guy," Jack couldn't help but scream out as he looked at the abilities that sentry would offer him, though that also meant that it will take a lot of time to master the template.

"He is even stronger then my current self, I just hope I don't get void as well, hopefully notbecause I don't have any alter identity." Jack thought as he really wanted to try the powers of Sentry , but he was scared it might backfire.

"I will deal with whatever comes my way, if I can't use complete powers of sentry without a good sync, that means if there really is a void, then he can also not use the said powers to his full potential." Jack finalized, though he didn't get to use the template, because his room opened as Diana entered

"I don't know about you guys, but on my earth , there is a thing called personal space and knocking" Jack quipped as he turned around and looked at the amazonian woman.

Diana in question just gave a smile before she spoke

"The league has found some traces of the location of bizarro, so I thought of informing you" she replied

"Wow! That was fast, seems like you guys aren't.that useless, though I have a question?" Jack asked as he snapped his fingers and changed into his hero costume


"Why are you all being so cooperative?" Asked Jack.

"What do you mean?" Diana asked confused, but Jack didn't answer her and instead opted to move out of the room as he was led by wonder woman

"Nothing" Jack replied as the two of them keot unusually quiet, though Jack was right, he had thought that with Batman's gloomy and cautious personality that rivaled Fury's or vice verse, he would have a hard time getting the league to do his work.

'I guess the animated series version of the league isn't so bad, I guess I can now do my work a but faster, then I will have all the time to master the sentry template , maybe go to sakaar and use that time lapse to do some serious grinding'

Jack arrived at another room where a few of the previous members of the league council was present , including Batman who had a gloomy look, like a child that didn't get what it wanted.

Jack couldn't help but pass a cheeky smile when he saw that



Guys I don't know why but my internet is f-ed up for some reason, so the upload came late, enjoy anyways