Chapter 273

"It's good to be home,"

"Jack! You are back," Jack noticed his mother, who was cooking something,

"Yah, so what's for dinner?"

"Dinner? It's early morning, and why haven't I seen you in so long, your friends said you were off on an adventure," Replied Martha.

'Oh shit! I totally forgot about the time differences, I will have to contact the legion and see the status of The planet.' Jack thought as he sat down on the table

"So, I heard you were off to saving a planet," Asked Martha.

"Yeah, they were being taken hostage by another empire," Replied Jack as he cut his pancakes.

"An empire in space," asked Martha in confusion as the topic of aliens was something new to her, and she was still not over the fact that her son was a freakin Avenger.

And the strongest one at that,

"They control a vast amount of the galaxy, the planet being kept hostage had can't amounts of vibranium, and so they were in a pinch, I received a call and helped," Jack munched on his food as he replied.

"Ohh! Is that so, and how strong is this empire, and the aliens that attack New York, were they also a part of an empire," Martha asked.

"Nah, they work for Thanos, he is a madman that wants to wipe out half the universe, I also tool care of a part of his forces while I was out in space, and The kree are a separate empire that believe in themselves being above every other species."

"So it's even more dangerous outside t then it was on Earth.." Martha said, unknowing grabbing tube table with more force then usual.

Jack also looked guilty as he just made his mother worry about something like that, he shouldn't have opened his mouth like that, the thing was, he just wanted to be praised by his mother and nothing else.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about me, I am safe, I have got people by my side, they won't be leaving me to die, plus," Jack continued as he flexed his arms, "I drink milk everyday so I am a strong boy."

"Haha, that you are Jack, that you are," Martha said as she lovingly carassed her sons head.


Jack was later able to understand the situation, there was no more trouble from the kree as the losses far outweighed the profits for them, though he was sure that the supreme intelligence was a curious little creature that wouldn't leave that place alone.

'Fortunately they have my legion to protect them,' Jack mused.

His current destination was the avengers headquarters, he had missed many calls from them and it seemed like they had something urgent to tell him, though as he was flying through the sky, he suddenly felt his mind go hazy for a while.

"Hmm, this seems interesting,"

Jack used his enhanced senses and the spacial ability to specifically look at a group of sorcerers fighting in the mirror dimension

"let's greet them, the others can wait a few more minutes," with that last comment, Jack disappeared from view.


Mirror dimension

Karl Mordo was a man that wanted nothing but power, that had been his goal, then he met someone that showed him a new world, a world of magic.

That someone was Yao, the ancient one, he learned under her, admired her, worshipped the very ground she walked on.

He let go of his hatred under her guidance and became a new man, that was until he found out the truth.

'She betrayed me,' he thought as the truth of her longevity was Revealed to him.

He started dabbling into the darkest its of magic to uncover the one try thing he felt would give him the ultimate power.

The dark dimension, Dormammu.

"Give it up...Yao, you can't defeat us," Said Karl mordo with tears in his eyes.

"Why...this wasn't supposed to happen," The Ancient one said as she was unable to fathom what was happening, Karl Mordo was not with the zealots in the original timeline.

"Where is Kaecilius!" The Ancient One said as the mirror dimension started twisting and cracking, Karl was forced to hold on as he was caught in a loop.

'Hmph, its too late, he has already been chosen," Siad Karl as he gave a victorious smile, he had fulfilled his purpose.

"What do you mean!!" Asked The Ancient One, this being first for her as she wasn't used to asking questions.

"It means that," a sudden raspy voice sounded as a crack appeared in the mirror dimension, and walked out a pale looking Kaecikiys as the control of the mirror world broke from Ancient One's grasp.

"You, you did it," The Ancient One eyed Kaecilius.

"It's time for you to die, Yao." Siad Kaecilius as swarms of Zealots surrounded Yao.

'What is happening, the timeline I originally knew is gone, Dr.Strange is still not ready, Karl Mordo is now on the opposite side, Two sanctum's have been destroyed.' The Anxient one pushed the thoughts out of her head as she dodged the attacks of a dark dimensions boosted Kaecillius.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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sorry guys my device is broken so I was not able to upload yesterday,I am planning on buying a new one sn once I have enough

I love you guys <3