chapter 274

"Give up Yao! "

"Hmph, try me."

"Already did it, although you have lived for long, it doesn't mean you will be able to defeat the combined effort of the Zealots and me, Kaecilius, the servant of the dark lord Dormammu himself,"

"Sigh, your ego is bigger then the Earth itself, let's hope you don't crumble once I take it down," Yao growled as she used the mystic energy to conjure up her twin fans, she had already lost the ability to control the high ground as Kaecilius is also able to spin the mirror world to his favor.

"And that'd where you are wrong, Ancient One, you see, I am a gre-"

Kaecilius didn't get to finish his words as the Ancient One hurled a nearby pole at Kaecilius, Who dodged the pole with ease, scoffing at his previous masters rookie moves.

"Ahhh," though that didn't stay for long as he heard one of his henchmen laying on the spinning building that was floating away as he looked at it.

"Let's see how long it takes me to destroy you, Yao."

"We will see,"

The battle started off with a bang as the Zealots divided Ancient One's attention while Kaecikous tried his best to mush his enemy to a meat paste.

Though that was easier said then done, she was a ghost, moving in and out, using the surroundings to her advantage, not a single Zealot was able to get her.

Yao was focused, she wasn't in the mood to fulfill any prophecy, since the future was now off to a weird end, it didn't matter if she lived or died for that matter.

'All my preparations gone to waste' as Yao continued her attempts at getting one in on Kaecilius, a giant mandala made of Mystic energy smashed into her, sending her flying a few meters in the air as she made contact with a building that also broke upon impact.

"Oh, looks like you are in a bit of a pinch ,aren't ya?, Ancient One," Kaecilius laughed in derision as he looked at the bloody mouth of the Ancient One.

someone he couldn't fathom beating in his whole life.

"I guess it's starting to take effect,ain't it, since we all are connected with the dark dimension, Dormammu is now able to assert more of his strength in this world

Ancient One didn't pay him any mind as she felt her body burning, as if there was acid going through her gains.


she couldn't help but look at one of her trusted aides, who was now siding with evil, Karl Mordo.

"You had it all, you had the power to reverse every injustice done, but you chose to stay idle like a buddha, as if the lives and feelings of all of us didn't matter."

Kaecilius spoke in a grave voice, a single drop of tear escaping his eyes as he stepped into the wreckage.

Pulling the ancient one out as she skidded across the street before coming to a stop, barely standing up.

"You could have brought my wife back, or helped her just with the snap if your finger, even Karl's family didn't have to be sacrificed, did it??" Yelled Kaecilius.

"You don't understand, time is a very brittle concept"

"No!its not time that is brittle , it is your mind, though Dormammu is different, he is the god we all should have worshipped from the start, he is the one who will save us," Kaecilius spoke as his eyes grew more dark.

He pointed at Karl, who was quietly standing to one side, his gain Mandala still in hand, l down as tears dropped from his face.

"He will save you as well" Said Kaecilius as he pointed at Karl.

"Mordo! Don't listen to him, he has gone rogue, he is under the temptation of Dormammu, if he calls that abomination over here, all the people of Earth will be doomed" The Ancient One yelled as she hoped that he will listen to her one last time.

Her body was in a weird state as it was fighting against the very thing that was keeping it alive for so long.

"You ...LIAR!" Karl Mordo lasted out as he threw a dagger, which made its way over to The Ancinet one who wantched with baited breaths as the dagger grew ever so close.

'Sigh...i tried , at least that person is still here, I hope he can stop this madness'

The Ancient One sighed as she closed her eyes, ready to die.

It was a very wierd thing for her, all this time, she was ready to give away her life, and now when death was upon her, she became...afraid.

' is a bitch I guess'