Chapter 275

As the ancient One felt the clashing of wind against the ever approaching dagger through her ears, she closed her eyes.

Though a few moments passed as the expected outcome didn't occur

'Huh! What happened?' Yao opened her eyes as she felt strength returning to her body, in front of her was a rather familiar artifact that previously belonged to her sanctuary.

'if the staff is here, then the-'

"The master isn't far away either," Yao looked up, sourcing the voice of the one that spoke,"It's been a long time, Yao," said Jack as she took the outstretched hand.

"Thanks, I am ashamed you had to see me in such a state," spoke Yao as she dusted her clothes.

She didn't have the time stone on her, it was currently being played around with by doctor strange if she remembered correctly.

"Don't worry," Jack shrugged off the awkward moment before he looked at Karl Mordo, one of his trainer in his time as an apprentice with a rather dark look.

"The one who should be ashamed is this maggot here, for someone that believes in love, you are rather fragile," Jack pointed out, no doubt jabbing at Karl who was famously known as a love struck dog by those who were close to him.

"You don't know what you speak of, leave before you get pulled into this," Karl spoke as he brandished a staff, his boots covered in mystical energy as he got himself ready for a fight.

The staff of the tribunal ready to be unleashed.

"Huh! I am afraid that's not possible as I must protect the Earth from outside threats and these," Jack painted at Kaecilius as he spoke "Are the exact definition of that threat."

"Hmph! I have heard a lot about you, the young master of the mystic arts," Kaecilius spoke at this time as he was tired of being put on the sidelines.

Several shards of mirror dimension broke as they were hurled at Jack, Even the Ancient One might have some problem facing these attacks, but who was Jack.

He was a broken character that had an even broken skill, the great sage had already given hundreds of ways to counter, defend, Absorb and reflect the attack back to the enemy by the time the shards came close.

Though all that was unneeded as the khaopachi loved on its own, the mirror dimension warped as the shards froze in place before they turned into smaller pieces of glass before disappearing.


"Oh! So you want to deal with them yourself, alright then, but make it fast," Jack replied as he perfectly understood the feelings of Khaopachi.

It considered the Ancient One its friend, and it hadn't repaid the people of the mystic arts for the. Hundreds of years of polishing they had done on him.


"Grrr, get that woman, no one shall stop us to-"


Before kaecilius could even finish his threat, the staff struck him face first with blinding speed as he was struck against a floating building that started slithering around him like a snake before covering him whole.

While the other zealots tried and freeing him were directly burned into ashes using the powers of the Phoenix flames that we're invested in the staff.

In under ten seconds, the building was now the shape of a ball with Kaecilius in the middle of it as he kept shooting.

Trying his best to bend the mirror dimension, but he was nothing against the staff, Khaopachi didn't wait as it struck the giant building like a baseball bat fitting a baseball, sending it flying towards the sun.

The Ancient One, Karl Mordo and Jack watched as the threat of the Zealots ended before it even began.

Though two sanctums had been destroyed while only one remained intact,

"Well, that was rather anticlimactic, I hope the dark dimension isn't able to help him through this, now how about you put down that staff and I will consider letting your previous actions go," Jack spoke as he put his attention back on Karl Mordo who was looking at him with seething rage.

While the Ancient One kept quiet, a lot of things had gone wrong today, she was rather shaken seeing how someone like Karl Mordo would go against her, though she knew deep down that this was how he would have reacted considering what she taught him.

"You lied to us," Karl mordo looked at the Ancient one, before he pointed the brightly glowing staff at Jack. "And you knew about this as well, yet you also kept me in the dark,"

Karl practically yelled as the mystic energy around him trembled, emotions were also a source of magic.

"You taught us to not fall for temptation, to keep clear of these forbidden spells, yet you kept using them to prolong your own life, admit it," He yelled.

"Admit it, that you were tempted, it wasn't some grand fate that needed to be fulfilled, you just wanted to live longer."



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