Chapter 277

Things had started to calm down around Jack for now.

His very own planet was now being contacted by many empires for its large amounts of precious metals and the locals were starting to rocket into the space era, some would say that they were more luckier than earth which was considered a shitty planet by many.

Though what they didn't know before was that it was the hub for all kinds of wonder for them, countless powerful people had set their eyes on Earth by now.

People like Thanos were interested in the planet where more than one infinity stone was located.

The Kree were also interested because of one word, the 'Avengers.' Jack had made sure that everyone in the galaxy knew who the avengers and the immortal legion was.

Shi'ar empire was also waiting to bare their fangs at the small planet, their one and only target was the host of the Phoenix flame, though the presence of three hosts confused them to no end.

Jack was sure that he could end these threats on his own, but he had helped enough, if he went all out everytime, the others wouldn't be able to recognize the danger they were in.

It would be the same as in that one superman sequel where even a falling asteroid didn't bother the people of metropolis just because Superman was there to save the day, he would rather spend that time increasing his strength.

Though it would seem his thoughts were directly inverse to the idea of the universe as through the countless galaxies, a man, or more specifically, silver man came flying, his whole body was covered in a silvery liquid, his face without any expressions as his eyes seemed to pierce through the void, directly aiming at a beautiful little blue planet.

'You shall fall at the hands of galactic.'

The being spoke as a cloud of unrecognizable gas followed him, swallowing up planets that it came across.

Soon the silver surfer entered the atmosphere of Earth,

His presence was detected by some beings, as well as the military as they tried to identify this unknown aircraft.


Jack was cooped up in his home all day, ever since his friends and family found out he has been using clones to spend time with them, they have grown very angry, so now he is forbidden from using them for anything else other than training, or dealing with miscellaneous matters.

Jack has been spending time with his mother, as well as teaching her magic, his brand of harry potter magic, but one that is dialed to a 100 to accommodate for its lack of power in the current world.

Needless to say, he has been teaching this magic to his friends as well, such as Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Felicia, Jean etc.

Even the members of the Avengers are free to learn, though only if Jack wills it.

As he is the one that acts as the focus for this magic.

Like how there are different dimensions and each dimension has a lord that lends its powers to mystic master.

'This way, no one can abuse my magic without me knowing.'

As Jack was overseeing the training of his friends trying to master the most basic luminous spell.

He suddenly received a summons from the avengers

"What is it?" Jack picked up the call.

"I don't know as well, we just received a request from the military to act, they specifically asked for your assistance," Natasha spoke on the other side.

"Oh! So now they want my help!" Jack mocked, he still remembered the last time he met with the few generals from the military, to say that they acted like they owned him or something wasn't an understatement.


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