Chapter 278

"They seem pretty desperate, so I guess we need to go and see what its about," Steve came at this time as he spoke.

Jack decided to go and see what the ruckus was about, although he wouldn't admit it, but the defense ministry had its reason to be smug, especially USA defense ministry, the bastards have been trying to come up with ways of world dominance ever since the world war.

Using war as a means to earn, acting as merchants to sell their goods to war stricken area instead of bringing peace.

"Alright, lets go," Jack opened up a portal to the headquarters, though Tony stopped him,

"The last time you did that, they put in a ban on spacial travel," he said, going through the portal, showing he was totally okay with it.

"Like I care, you coming cap?" Jack asked from the other side.

Steve sighed before he followed in as well, Jack couldn't help but think of ways to exhaust the old man more.

'Maybe I can help him as well, by bringing Peggy Carter back to her young days.' Soon the three were surrounded on all sides by the armed forces.

"Woah! Woah! Easy..." Tony raised his hands as if to surrender, though Jack knew better as in the next moments his hands were covered in robotic gloves of the iron man armor and a few blaster projectiles hovered behind him, he then finished, " we have guns as well," Tony's smirk was very annoying for his enemies.

"Calm down everyone," another army man suddenly came as he ordered the men to fall back, arriving in front of the three, he spoke.

"If the Avengers could come through the front door next time, it would be appreciated as spacial travel is banned," He spoke stiffly.

"Haha, whatever, anyways, Where is General Clifton, we don't have all day," Tony butted in as he spoke, not paying any mind to the army man.

"This way please," The man led them, ignoring the blatant disregard the avengers showed for the military.

It wasn't like he could do anything to them, if it were the normal timeline, then maybe the various countries and the UN could have done something about The avengers due to the infighting and stuff, but now they had no leverage against them, plus the existence of Jack was a big deterrent,

There didn't want to anger a walking hulk buster, people of New York had seen firsthand the abilities of Jack and his ruthlessness on the day of the battle of New York.

After going through a few elevators and a few halls, The trio finally arrived in a room.

The man led them inside as he gave a salute before leaving the place.

General Clifton was an unknown to Jack, and Jack didn't like unknowns, He would rather Prefer Ross take the seat opposite to him because the man was an open book of insanity and greed, though he still wants to protect the earth in the end, no matter how paranoid and greedy Ross was.

Meanwhile Clifton was an unknown, Jack didn't remember such a person from any of his memories.

"It's nice to finally meet the avengers face to face," Clifton spoke as he turned around and away from the window.

"Likewise," Steve spoke as the man pushed his hands forward for a handshake,

Steve also did so, One could see the admiration Clifton had for Steve, the first war hero and avenger.

Tony seeing that the man ignored them didn't bother and started strolling around the big office.

Jack didn't do anything but kept to himself, he would wait and see what was so important that the military had to ask for his explicit help

The two army men talked for a while until Clifton decided it was time to go back to the main topic

"A couple of days ago, we detected an unknown aerial entering the Earth's atmosphere, so we decided to have it identified, seeing as our warnings fell on dead ears, we engaged and-"

"And you got bullied, is that it," Tony mocked, as Clifton glared at him before he pushed a button and the projector played a video.

The trio watched in silence as a silver colored fast flying figure moved through the dozens of aircraft, destroying them with ease as it flew away.

"As you can see, this unknown flying Object isn't an object," Clifton spoke as Jack who was previously quiet spoke.

"It's a man!"

"Really, is that a surfboard,"

"He is colored in silver, maybe we can call him silver surfer!"

Tony's constant remarks made Jack remember a certain servant of the giant planet eater.


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