Chapter 279 Unreasonable bastard

'Don't tell me that fucker is coming over , I don't tho k I can beat him, even with the help of the infinity stones, not to mention this silver surfer who gets his powers from the giant Galactus.'

(AN:- Galactus is a guy that can either be as strong as five to ten celestial's combines which is way above Jacks paygrade or as strong as a Simple planet eater, it all depends on how much he has eaten)

Jack adopted a serious expression as he asked

"Where is he now, I reckon you know?" he asked in a serious tone, nowhere was the simple kid from the neighboring block.

Tony and Steve also noticed his behavior and took this as a queue to what was about to happen,something or someone strong has come this time, they know Jack is crqzy strong, so something that can make him serious is worth their serious effort as well

"I am glad you asked, though there is one condition, the military will confiscate the unknown -"


"Dont dare play your game with me, I don't care about your fucking government , my goal is to protect the earth, some one strong has come to invade us, and you want to play keepers with me" Jack yelled at Clifton who was on the other side felt like he saw death as he looked at the aura Jack exuded, that's when it hit him.

He was playing with fire, the guy in front of him had done more for earth as a collective compared to his whole country their in it's whole existence .

*Gulp* "Alright, though I will give you the location, it not my decision who gets the anomaly, I am just a messenger" Clifton spoke as he gave the info.

"I don't care, tell the military to clear the way, do even come close as I won't be able to guarantee your safety, Tony follow me, Cap! You stay back, this is above you " Jack said .

Although it felt weird taking orders from a kid, now that the truth was out, but Steve knew Jack wouldn't lie to him in such matters so he accepted


With the help of the info the military gave him, it didn't take him long to arrive at the location, Jack was rather cautious this time.

He would be fighting a tricky enemy this time, as soon as he traveled through the portal, he came in front of a wide clearing, the previous mountain range was nowhere in sight

"gotta hand it to them, they were able to cover up such a scandal" said Tony as he whistled, his armor covering him as he quickly started assessing the environment

"Tony, I see him, be ready to provide ranged assistance, and don't you dare come close to him, he can kill you as easily as flicking a finger" Warned Jack as he felt the threat in front of him

The silver surfer was an entity that he wasn't able to sense even with the help of the space stone, only now did the stone react, as well as the map function.

Jack flew over towards the silver surfer who seemed to be busy in his own world, once jack was within ten meters of him, he suddenly turned around, though it felt like Silver fmsurfer wasn't in the mood to talk as he moved at unimaginable speed, so can't that even Jack had a hard time dodging and could only block as the silver surfers energy covered hands bashed into his arms.

Sending Jack flying into the earth, the power was so much that Jack was buried two kilometers into the Earths crust.

Using spacial movement, Jack easily took himself out of the place, again appearing in front of the surfer

"Alright, plan B it is" muttered Jack as he launched a beam of energy from his eyes, though it backfired when the surfer absorbed the rays and empowered himself.

reminding Jack that The silver surfer had many powers, one of which is to turn the world matter and energy into his ownenergy to sustain him self and make himself stronger.

"No energy attacks then, old fashioned punches then" Jack thought as he saw Sikver surfer easily absorb all the attacks that Tony made on him.

"Tony! Dont use any energy attacks on him, he can absorb them and become stronger, plus he can phase through our attacks if he wants to, so make sure you don't kill civilians by mistake" Jack warned as the disappearance of the mountain ranges was already a big deal.

With his last advice, Jack empowered himself with His ultimate skills to match up with Sikver surfers, whose energy attacks were as strong as his punches, one of each could tear through planets.

"Surfer! You are a herald of galaxtus aren't you" He asked .

The silver surfer seemed to flinch, getting a reaction from him made Jack believe there was still a chance

"Listen, how about you find some other planet and we let it go, besides, there are innocent people living here" Jack spoke between punches as both planetary and above level beasts fought in the air.

Jack was having a hard time as he was also nullifying the energy attacks so as not to destroy the planet as well as deal with Silver surfer that had annoying abilities

"It is too late, Lord Galactus is already on his way, this planet , like many others shall be his to consume" Spoke the silver surfer as he charged a heavy beam at point blank range, burning Jacks skin that started healing at a show pace.

'This power cosmic thing is really dangerous, so galactus is already coming over, what the hell is Odin doing, isnt he supposed to be the guardian of the nine realms' Jack cursed as he returned the favor with a punch that went right through the silver surfers face, who moved behind Jack and hit him in the back, only to receive a powerful hit from Jacks clone.

"You aren't the only one with magic tricks, it time I showed you some of my own" Jack said as he opened up a mirror dimension in Silver surfers way, sending him through.

'Now I can fight without worry' Jack followed in, leaving the surfer behind was a no go as he could easily escape as long as he still had his surfboard.

'Great sage, have you been able to analyze his abilities