Chapter 280 Cosmic hold

{A/N: Yeah! I am back, finally! Hope you guys have been well, I am waiting for my results so in that time I will be giving you guys some chapters }

[Great Sage: Host's powers come from his silver surfboard, it replenishes his reserve to give the being prolonged life and cosmic ability.]

"Alright! Aim for the legs."

Jack mumbled as he turned the incoming ray of photon blast into a bunch of butterflies, though the surfer wasn't distracted as he followed up with a punch of his own, which was met up with Jack's punch, a single blow caused a terrible change in the surroundings as now the both of them had truly started to go full power,

'I have never met someone so powerful, only the Allfather Odin is as powerful as this, this punch alone would have flattened the continent.'

Jack though wasn't pushed back in the slightest as he pushed forward, his power increasing by another level, the silver surfer was forced back as he flew away like a star, Jack didn't stay behind as he knew the surf board had the ability to escape from here.

The space stone wasn't able to hold him in place,

'Though I can probably turn this part of the mirror dimension that keeps folding on itself, which will allow me to easily capture him, but I remember a version of him having time powers as well.' Jack appeared behind The silver surfer who easily crossed through Jack.

"Cheh! this again."

Jack summoned his sharingan and used amaterasu along with the Fire control ability to release countless black flaming arrows that flew towards the silver surfer.

"Let's see if that affects you,"


The fight continued for a while with no side coming on top, although the silver surfer was strong, he wasn't as strong as Jack, but the ability to morph through attacks and Jack's abilities was something that Jack couldn't put his hands on.

The space stone wasn't having any effect and his own powers weren't able to stop him,

'I could have just imprisoned him but that way we won't be able to get rid of the giant planet eating monster that's coming our way.' Jack thought as he saw the ragged silver surfer.

He was slowly starting to lose strength, it seemed like the surfer needed to sustain himself by absorbing matter through his board.

'Guess I can just tire him out,'

[Great Sage: Skill :Cosmic hold: created after analyzing the enemies skills]

'Or I can use this new skill.' Jack charged at the enemy as the description of the new skill appeared in his mind.

:Cosmic hold:

= The ability to deal with cosmic energy and resist its effects=

Although the description was pretty simple and straightforward, but its effects were definitely the opposite as the moment the silver surfer tried to phase through Jack.

His board started fluctuating before he lost his balance, Jack didn't want his time as he opened his portal and the silver surfer fell through the portal back into the real world while the surfboard stayed motionless, Jack immediately used his selling spells to make sure the now disconnected Surfboard doesn't go back to its master.

Walking through the portal, Jack saw the silver surfer surrounded by Tony and his army of robots, ready to shoot.

"Don't shoot,"

Jack warned as he passed through a row of robots, arriving in front of the poor sod who was forced to give his servitude in return for his planet's safety.

"Do you give up?" Jack asked.

The silver surfer didn't put the robots around him I'm his eyes, it wasn't the first time someone was able to defeat him, although those that could defeat him could be counted in the tens.

"I am simply a messenger, a warning before the disaster, a calm before the storm," Jack put the sod back to sleep as he mulled on how to deal with the coming threat.

"Unfortunately we don't have a sexy sue storm to lull the man back to being a human, and I don't wanna enter his mind, who knows what I might face," Jack muttered as he used his ability to bind the man before sending him through another portal back to the avengers tower.

Tony had built a prison floor in the underground so that's where they were going, he didn't bother with what the military wanted as that wasn't his concern as of now.

[Ding! host has successfully increased the Sentry sync to 30 per cent]

'Hm, I guess fighting enemies that the original must have fought against can give you a boost, I still have two scrolls that I can use, each will increase my percentage by ten percentage.'

Jack didn't wait as he immediately used the backup scrolls bringing up the syn by half, the sentry was a being that was able to battle the celestial, and although ye didn't know how strong this version of the Galactus was, he wasn't willing to take any risks.

He sat down on a chair as the space stone came into effect, helping Jack find the giant and possibly come to an agreement.