Chapter 281 Negotiation Efforts

With Jack as the center, the energy of the space stone spread far and wide as vast amount of info began to overload his brain, the minimal function of his system was nothing compared to the true power of the space stone.

Galactus was a being that was said to be a necessary evil for the stability of a universe, its sole purpose was to eat planets and stabilize the universe, at that was what Jack remembered from his days as a former normal human who loved watching anime and marvel movies, he even remembered owning a book that had info on many characters of the marvel universe.

As the energy spread, Jack was able to sense many powerful beings that could easily bring him to his knees,

After an hour of scouring the whole universe for the giant eater, Jack was finally able to spot a giant moving mass, it looked like a metallic cluster of wreckage.

In the middle of this wreckage was an even bigger metallic planet, no, it was more like a ship, inside said ship was the infamous planet eater, seated upon his throne with a half eaten planet in his hands.

"It looks really scary up close," Jack thought as he came back to Earth, using the space stone to such an extent really burned him up this time.

"Phew! At least I have his location now, the guy is really living in luxury while his minions bring him food, and that surfboard, I wonder what will happen. Once I absorb it."

Jack muttered as he made his way to the top floor where he sensed his fellow avengers in a heated discussion.


"So who's this new guy you and Jack we're fighting with?" asked Fury as he eyes Tony with scrutiny.

"Ah! Well, we don't know much, just that he is a bad guy, and strong, scary strong," Replied Tony as he looked at the others, the video of the fight playing on the projector.

"Don't tell me there are more of them, I don't think even Jack can handle more than one" Asked Natasha, it hasn't been long since they dealt with an alien army, now another one is knocking on our door.

"Though I do remember the silver surfer muttering something about an 'inevitability' ," Tony muttered as he tried to bring up the name again,



"What! It's a nice name!"

Jack also entered the meeting room at this moment, although everyone knew the guy was just some kid, but this one was responsible for protecting the Earth from dangers.

"Well, Tony is right about one thing, that guy's real name I don't know, but he does go by the name of silver surfer."

"Yes! Take that you fools," Tony cheered as he gave everyone a look, though noticing the serious atmosphere, he calmed down.

"This is no time for jokes, Jack, we're you able to extract any info on the guy, and where is the surfboard he was gliding on." Asked Fury.

It was really hard for him to deal with the military as according to them, Jack snatched their pray for them, though it wasn't like Fury was mad at Jack, god knows what those fanatic army men would do if they got their hands on that silver man.

"Anything else we have on him?" asked the captain, he still remembered what Jack did to him back on the military base,

"He serves a giant being that eats planets on a daily basis," Jack said.

"Holy hell, eating planets...sorry," Tony yelled before the collective gazes shut him up again.

"So you are telling me, we are going to fight against someone that can literally eat planets, like he is eating candies, I don't know about you guys, but that's some serious fire power," Natasha replied as she slumped back in her chair.

She knew all too well that she and Hawkeye were the most useless avengers currently, and it didn't help that the threats seemed to keep getting stronger day by day, Natasha couldn't help but look at Jack as she remembered about hid offer to make her stronger.

She clenched her hands in frustration, 'I still have blood on my hands.' She thought in silence.

Though no one but Jack was aware of her thoughts,

"Yes, he goes by the name of Galactus, even the giant purple Thanos has to make way if Galactus comes along," Jack continued as he used eldritch energy to make a replica of the giant Galactus for everyone to see.

He couldn't exactly pull everyone along with him to see the real deal.

"How are we going to fight him," asked Fury.

"Fight him?! We are going to negotiate," answered Jack as he looked at Fury who was equally as shocked by Jack's words.

"You expect me to believe that a big giant who eats planets for his food is going to negotiate?" Fury asked.

Words laced with clear mocking

"Believe it or not, from what I have found out, he is a necessary evil for this universe, or else this universe might just explode."

After another hour of meeting, it went without conclusion as Fury decided it was better to wait for their silver alien to wake up before they proceeded

Jack wasn't in a hurry anyways, as silver surfer was the one that calls Galactus to a planet for him to eat, and the guy was currently out of commission.

Though if they kept him bound for too long, who knows if the giant Galactus will not move on his own.

He warned the avengers to act carefully as he decided to retire for the night while Tony got to work on his gear considering the recent threat to them.

It seemed like the guy was about to have a case of PTSD, even when Jack tried his best to help him.

Fury got busy with the military and other organizations that were banging on his doors.

Natasha and Clint were the training room, Captain was nowhere in sight.

The day ended with a small victory for Earth and its residents.


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