Chapter 283

"I have just the villain in mind" I spoke, though the confused face of Silver surfer got me to tell him the details.

I wonder how the giant planet eater will feel about eating a big ass planetary celestial named Ego.

Although if Silver surfer refused the offer, then I would have nothing to do but look for a few planets using my space stone and give it away.

It's not hard for me, the only problem is those planets being a part of some other empire , but I can always make some plans for that.

Any planet would be happy to have a good relationship with galactus in exchange for a few planets I suppose.

After I told him the details in more details and assured him nothing would go wrong as I am sure that I alone can deal with a weak Ego, not to mention that Sentry template of mine which can just defeat the guy with a flick.

The sage also told me that I will get an origin level skill if I complete This template, I wonder which one it will be.

"You can choose to rest for now or just roam around , I can assign an agent to you, though I won't be returning the board to you yet as I don't trust you enough" I told him.

"Rest assured for I don't go back on my word, beside, Master is already happy with the deal" he told me.

I was surprised , so it seems that the silver surfer can contact the planet eater even without the board.

"So you can contact him without that board of yours, why all the drama then?" I asked

Already knowing the answer, he wasnt doing this of his own accord , and was against the actions of Galactus for a long while.

In the movies , the presence of a hot Mrs invisible was just a catalyst for him to act, I guess now that the deal is already made, I can go ahead and release him.


With a flick of my wrist, the restrictions I placed on the board broke as it arrived beside the silver surfer who looked at his beloved board and then at me.

"Are you sure ?" he asked me.

"Yeah, not like I can't deal with you, I am many Times stronger then you now" I replied

Though I doubt he could understand that.

My ultimate skills make sure that I don't draw with the same opponent again provided I get enough time to grow strong.

"No need, I can already feel it, you are the same man as before, but your strength has gone through leaps and bounds"

"It's good that you understand , now Natasha here will give you a tour around the place if you don't mind while I prepare a trap for our planet, so that he doesn't try and escape once galactus arrives."

"Very well"

He nodded as the doors opened to reveal Natadha who had a peculiar look to her, as she moved around the silver surfer.

"You are gonna need some clothes" she said

"I have no such needs, the board makes sure to replenish my energies and keeps me alive" he replied as he lovingly held the surfboard

"Yeah right" Natasha rolled her eyes as she walked towards a cabinet , taking out the prison clothes, she threw them at the surfer as he gave me a look, to which I could only shrug and made my way out.


Since the deal has already been made, it time I take on the role and search a few planets including Ego.

I just hope he doesn't grow aware that I am using the space stone to scout his position

From what I remember, Ego is just a giant brain like guy with giant planetary body serving as his armor.

'I can just use the space stone to teleport the guy to Galactus's door step, but I really need a reason to see the big guy so I should just go ahead and look for his location and give it to Silver surfer.

The good thing about the devour and great sage was that I didn't need to hold the stone's in my hands to use them.

With me as the centre, the energy of the space some spread out as my mind became like a supercomputer , along with the enhanced thought process from the great sage.

I could sneak a peek on any corner of the universe, I wonder if I can see outside the universe from which the stones originate.

I did have the ability to use them so maybe it's doable

"Alright little Ego, lets see you hide from me now" I thought after I tagged a few planets and used the immense power of the space stone to teleport a few resourceful planets beside Suran.

It didn't take long for me to come across Ego, the guy was pretty good at hiding himself, if it weren't for the space stone, then jack would have a hard time even if he was standing right next the said planet

Jack sneakily used the space stone to boost his already highly skilled spatial magic to lock the space around the planet so that Ego doesn't escape.

"Done! Now all that's left is for Galactus to come and eat him"


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3