Chapter 284

While Jack made sure that Ego isn't able to escape as he trapped his body in a spacial barrier

The real owner of the body was aware of what happened by a coincidence, it happened because Ego or better yet, his consciousness.

He was the Ego and Ego was him, His days consisted of whoring out his body to reproduce children, looking for those that had his celestial powers.

So far none of them came close, that was until he felt it, although someone tried Thier very best to hide it from him, which means that someone knew of his plans which was bad for his goals.

'These creatures think they can conspire against me' Ego thought as he forcefully tried to enter the barrier , but to no avail.

'I don't think this can be broken with me alone, looks like I am gonna need your help sooner then I anticipated..son' Ego thought as he looked at the andromeda galaxy where His only child Peter Quill was located.

Ego began flying towards him, in an effort to meet his son, the first of his species, h hoped that his son would meet him and understand his ways.

And if he doesn't then Ego can only go at this the hard way.


"So , how you like Earth?" asked Jack as he patted Silver surfer on the back

He wasn't in his silver form and looked like a regular human

"It's the same as my homeworld, people fighting over resources not knowing that a greater force is at play" Replied Silver in a bland tone.

"Can you not speak so blandly, have some emotions in your voice" Jack requested as he couldn't stand the bland tone, to him it felt like he was talking to a robot.

"I have no need for emotions, they are an inconvenience to my goal" replied Silver in his usual bland tone.

The silver surfer looks like an average white old man with neat enough looks to make the middle aged old ladies turn their heads when he walks by.

Jack has been spending his time getting the silver surfer accustomed to the modern Earth and it's perks.

Though the guy seems to have an agenda as he keeps pointing out major flaws in the system

He seems to see the negative in everything around him, when asked what was his view on things after a day of tour he replied 'A planet as fickle as this is better off dead'

Jacl could only sigh as he remembered this same dude jumping into the cosmic storm of Galactus to save this planet for just a single woman

"He is simp,no! he is a closet simp" Jack muttered.

The surfer spent his days staring around for the next few days until his master called him,

"Master is on his way" He told Jack.

With that the Silver surfer aummonwd his surfboard and flew into the air at breakneck speeds, though he soon looked back and saw Jack following him with equal speeds

This caused him to pick up speed,though Jack didnt relent and followed him

After a while ,Silver surfer couldnt help but ask

"Why are you following me?"

""You think i am gonna pass up the chance to see this 'Master' of yours" Jack gave a vague reply before he was left in the dust by the surfer.

"Lets see how you match up against My teleportatoon" Jack smirled before he diaappeared from place.


Galactus stood up from his throne as he decided to go for his next meal, this one was supposed to be a meal that would fill him for ages

"After all,i am going to eat a celestial,lets see those bugs react to this" One could almost make out a smirk on the face of the giant as he disappeared along with his giant sized ship that resembled planet

The next moment, he appeared in the vast space, as he loved forward, he sensed the vague presence of space bending and folding upon itself surrounding the plant.

'Hmph! A small measure of security such as this cannot stop me' The giant mumbled before he waved his hands and the space broke.

"Wow! Just a flick and it broke, your fame preceded you" Galactus moved his giant hand, spotting a human, though he knew the being in front of him was very strong.

"You...are the one my servant spoke of" Asked Galactus, or more like stated a fact.

"That I am, and you must be the famed galactus, the eater of worlds" Jack replied, but didn't receive one so he continued, it felt awkward standing in front of a being so big that he could rival two or three planets aligned.

"Anyway, as I promised, a celestial body in exchange for my planets freedom from your...eatery habits" Jack said.


Silver surfer also arrived at this moment, th seeing Jack he became surprised, that didn't stop him from bowing to his king


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3