Chapter 285

"My king !" Silver surfer bowed in what could be seen as a sign of respect and fear mixed together.

"Hmmm" Galactus didn't speak much and just hummed as he looked at the giant planet with a big face plaster on it.

"Man! He looks ugly as hell" Jack commented from the side meanwhile Galactus slowly raised his hands, aiming them at the planet Ego, which slowly began to move towards him .

Jack and the silver surfer watched as the planet slowly started moving as it released blue lights, trying to resist the ability of galactus, what Jack didn't understand was why it was actively trying to fight Galactus as Ego wasn't a pushover either.


Just then, a blast occurred on the giant head of Galactus, Jack and silver surfer immediately stood at attention, it seemed that even Galactus was ready as a force field covered his head where the explosion occurred.

'So Ego has finally arrived I guess' Jack muttered as he flew towards Galactus's head , arriving at the spot along with Silver surfer , he saw the familiar face of Ego from the movies.

The only different thing being the glowing Peter quill who seemed to be struggling as he was glued to the back of Ego.

"Galactus! What business do you have with me?" Asked Ego as he arrogantly walked over to the head of Galactus.

Galactus simply didn't reply as he fired a beam of energy from his eyes, although Ego was powerful enough, he still had to summon a shield barrier to block the attack.

It seemed that Galactus wasn't one to be provoked as he increased the energy of the beams , causing Ego to grit his teeth, just when it felt like he would loose, the Planetary body of Ego became active as a giant beam was released from the planets body , it hit Galactus scarcely on the chest sending him flying back.

'Hmm,' Jack also noticed something, Peter quill who was glued to Ego's back, his life energy seemed to be decreasing at a rapid pace.

{Host! The entity known as Peter quill is slowly losing his consciousness as the celestial keeps losing his soul, if not separated, he will permanently turn into a battery}

The info from Great Sage brought Jack out of his thinking as he immediately shot forward, though Ego expected this as he flew towards the planetary body.

"Galactus, give me a few moments, he is holding one of my friends hostage" Galactus didn't seem to say anything , Jack didn't wait as he flew after Ego who was putting Quill on an altar of sorts.

"Now we will be together forever son" Ego spoke as tendrils of blue energy shot from the ground and wrapped around Peter.

Jack summoned a black blade made of Amaterasu flames and cut apart the tendril, he stood between Peter and Ego.

"You bug! So it is you that has put a girdle in my plans, i will make sure to deal with you as well as that giant idiot" Ego yelled in anger as he threw a giant boulder at Jack which turned into dust the next moment.

"I have got no time to deal with you, Today is your last day on this universe" Jack replied as he used his bare hands to break apart the tendrils binding Peter and devoured them.

"Ughhh" Jack knocked Peter out before he sent him through the portal to the medbay in the avenger's towers.

"No! GIVE HIM BACK!" Ego yelled launching himself forward. Jack dodged to the side before he flew away from him, avoiding the various traps that Ego tried using to stop him.

Jack finally arrived besides Galactus,

"Alright he is all yours big guy" Jack joked as he tried patting the extremely big shoulders , though it only made him look even smaller.

Ego's planetary body that was being pulled by Galactus suddenly started turning and twisting upon itself , slowly changing into a humanoif shape with a glowing blue rock like structure that was most probably it's real brain.

"I have no enmity against you, but if you think I will go down without a fight then you are sorely mistaken" Ego's voice revervrated through the space as his energy level kept increasing .

Which means he wasn't fighting at full strength, I remember a fan post explaining the reason Ego was so weak in the movies was because he had spread his energy through the universe in an effort to expand himself as he considered himself as the only species worthy of existing .

'Things got a lot more serious'


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3