Chapter 289

Before Jack could make out what happened, his body was engulfed into a tunnel, no matter what he tried, Jack couldn't control his movement as he was sent hurling through the tunnel

Squeezing, twisting and turning continuously, this feeling reminded him of how he travels through different worlds, only without pain and suffering

'Ughhhh! When is this going to end, I swear if I did out who summoned me, I am gonna tear them a new one' Jack promised as he finally arrived at the end of this weird tunnel.

Yep first thing that met him was the cold asphalt floor



Jack stood up as he touched his face , getting rid of the dirt on his face , once he did so, a few can't started honking at him, Jack made his way to the side as he watched the passing cars giving him the bird sign.


'Did they not see me coming out of a giant warmhole tunnel, sigh'

Feeling wronged , Jack spread. his senses around trying to figure out where he was at the moment, although the scenery was the same, but Jack knew from his prior experience that he wasn't in his home world.

'I guess I am in some kind of alternate world, though which one, I hope it's the 616 as they will have a way for me to go back, or maybe I can just ask the system to send me back.'

As Jack was busy contemplating his situation , a certain thing caught his attention, he slowly walked into the alleyway.

Among the various street, art stood out one that almost made him go into shock

"Holy shit!"

Stood before him was a cutout of Spiderman, or more specifically of Peter Parker as spiderman without his mask, along with various red crosses strewn on it

"Yep! I am definitely in a parallel universe, since this isn't my Peter Parker"


PE era : Peter Parker's POV

"Oh no oh no oh no, what do I do!!" Peter couldn't help but tremble as he saw the mess he made, the spell back fired on them, not to mention he made Dr.Strange

Sending Dr.Strange into the mirror dimension and trapping him was something he shouldn't have done since it was him who got everyone into this mess.


"Y-yes" Peter trembled as he noticed happy who was shaking him back to the real world.

"I know this is crazy..but I also know you are gonna fix it so don't worry alright" Happy said as he looked into Peter's eyes while May watched from the side

"Now lets do this" Said Happy, and Peter was happy to have Happy in his life.

Though he missed to notice the ugly mug of Norman Osborn as he looked around, his bipolar personality coming into play, if Jack were here, he would have acted first to beat the shit out of Osborn


Jack in the meantime was seated in a cafe as he turned on a laptop he stoel from a shop nearby, before he returned it and made a new one with much better power, though that wasnt needed as all he wanted for was to look for Peter Parker's address according to this universe

It didn't take him long to figure it out, making his way over, he found the house to be empty except for some broken windows and whatnot.

(A/N: as I have told before, at the start that Jack doesn't know about all MCU movies so that's why he cant follow up)

The sun was about to set as Jack was still busy looking for Peter Parker's location, The Tony Stark of this universe was dead.

After a while , Jack flew over to the one place he knew he could find Peter, the midtown science high school.

The reason being, even if he couldn't find Peter, the guy might come running if he picks up MJ ot Ned even.

With that in mind , Jack slowly landed on the Gates entrance as the place became crowded, not because everyone was here to see him since he was just a nobody in this universe, but because everyone was ready to go home.

The whole place started blowing up with commotion as it's not everyday you see someone flying in the air.

"Ahem!" Jack coughed, as he did so, countless phones were pointed in his direction, seeing that he was being listened to, Jack spoke.

"I would like to know if Peter Parker is at school, I have something I want to ask of him," Jack asked, though the only thing he received was silence as everyone kept looking at him.

As the atmosphere became awkward, a teacher that Jack was all too familiar with stepped forward

"err. I don't know what business you gave with him, but he is already graduated from school so he doesn't come here" Jack mentally face palmed

"Sigh, thanks, " Jack said before he flew off.

Finding himself with nowhere to go, Jack decided to visit the New York sanctum in an effort to look for answers .

Though as he entered, what greeted him was the sight of a snow covered sanctum.

"What the hell happened here?" Jack thought as he made his way inside.

"Who are you ?" Jack looked , and above the stairs stood a fat Wong, though what was weird about him was the robes he wore as well as his temperament

"Wong! Is that you?"

"Ofcourse it's me, who are you?" he asked again

Though he wasnt speaking with words only as Rings of Raggador appeared on his hands as he conjured a Tao Mandala as well.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3