Chapter 290

I moved back as the Tao mandala went past me before coming back as it hit my arm, or more like I let it hit me, w a gentle tug at it, Wong came flying my way, though he wasn't a master for nothing as he immediately put up the Rings of Raggador in the way of my punch.

I didn't wait and conjured my own staff, hitting the fat Wong with it, sending him crashing into the stairs.

'I hope I didn't hurt him too much'

"You fight like a master, but the energy you conquer isn't Aldrich" he asked in an unsure way.

"That's why I tell everyone to ask questions before fighting, sigh, I am a student of the Ancient One, from a parallel universe so to say, I believe that someone from this sanctume used an ancient spell and I was summoned here as a result."

Hearing my part and seeing the sling ring I took out, he finally put his hands down, at least that's a start.

"Hmm, it's possible , Strange was performing some spell for that spider kid, maybe they got into some concern, come with me"

Wong said as he led me through the halls to the Undercroft, Seeing the place empty

"I swear they were here somewhere , shit!" Wong cursed as he looked around.

"It's alright, I will look for trm myself, tell strange to meet me when you see him" I said and gave him a slip of paper , the one tearing it will be teleported beside me.


I didn't wait for him and directly left the place, it's time I hack some more, I remember the MCU letter coming under the tutelage of Iron man, so that means I will be able to get something if I can contact those close to him.

Making new goals along the way I flew under the beautiful moon towards a cafe with my previous laptop still with me.

'Let's see how high tech it became after my tweaking' I thought as I settled down, only to receive a few pointed stares as I did so, though that didn't stop me as I started searching up on Tony.


Peter POV:

I am finally doing things the right way, I don't know how long Dr.Strange is going to be trapped in that place , boy will he be mad at me, I hope ge doesn't come after me again, I don't think I can fight him one more time.

I could tell he was going easy on me, wonder.if he will teach me magic if I ask nicely, hwhe

I watched as the guy with lightning was finally becoming better, the device I made for hum.will make sure her becomes human again, I already took care of Doc Oc.

As for that Norman guy, Octavius tells me how bad that guy is and to never trust an Osborn, but I don't feel like that, he seems like a good person

"And here we have reports of an identified person flying above the midtown science high just moments ago as he kept asking the teenagers about our local crime master 'Peter Parker' "

CRIME MASTER! Who the hell called me that, I couldn't help but fume as I looked at the news, a guy in casual clothes that could fly was looking around as he called out my name .

"Do you know of him?" asked Octavius

"No! It's the first time I have seen him" I replied confused, why is everything going awry , I am so tired now.

"Then he is probably like us, how about you go and look for him, I will stay here and keep an eye, this feed is a bit old so he may have already left by now" Doc Octavius suggested.

"Yeah! That's a good plan...i will..." there...i felt it again, that weird feeling like back on the bridge




As I was busy looking into Iron Man and those close to him, I came upon some useful clues, and I can't believe he made an army of drones for Peter, I mean what the hell,

Overprotective much!

Putting those thoughts aside, I finally found a location where I felt Peter might be hiding now that his life is in shit.

'And it's rather close from here'

As I stood up, I felt several hostile around me, probably police, I didn't have the time to deal with them as I feel like I might go back to the time I hated the police for being corrupt sons of bitches who can't stomach justice.

I snapped my fingers and appeared in front of the building that had Happy Hogan's address on it.

As I was about to take a step in,


An explosion sounded as the glasses broke, before they could harm anyone, I turned them into butterflies , causing the crowd around me to go into a stupor.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3