Chapter 299

Jack clapped his hands as he saw the beautiful sync between them, one spider flying over the other as they tackled their enemy, finally beating him.

"Hurry and inject him with the serum, I feel he is about to awaken again," Jack said as he held the lizard down using eldritch magic ropes while Andrew jumped at his knock, injecting the green and blue mixture into the lizard's body.

Soon the growling of the lizard changed into the sounds of a weak human huffing as he sat naked, Jack helped the man by conjuring a pair of clothes on him,


"It's nice to see you again Professor," Andrew said as Connors took his hands and stood up, giving him a hug.

"I am so sorry my son, for troubling you, you know I…"

"I know professor, it's alright, everyone understands, you go and rest easy, we will bring you back to your son once this is all over,"

Andrew said as he patted the man on the back.

He still remembered how the lizard once requested that no one tell his son he was a monster.

Jack opened a portal above Connors and sent him through with a smile.

"Alright, so now all that's left is that sandman, I am pretty sure that if we tell him it's time to go back, he will come running," Jack joked, Toby nodded at his assumptions.

Jack didn't wait as once they found a rather secretive alley, Jack directly summoned the poor guy as he fell through the portal, his fist turning the size of a cars door as he tried to swing it at Jack, only to lose his sandy hand as he felt weak all over.

"It's all right, we are going back," Toby immediately came in between and calmed down the man.

"Alright now we get doctor Octavian," spiderman said, though Jack already knew the man had somehow tracked them back to their base and was waiting for them so he teleported everyone to the lab, where he was standing awkwardly.

"Oh! professor, it's nice to see you,"

"Ah! My Peter, you have grown….old," Octavias said as he hugged Toby with love, he still had a flash of memory, how he died doing the right thing because of his favourite person.

Jack also took out the two villains and deposited them onto the ground, though as soon as Osborn was about to apologise, he received a tight slap from May, while the whole crowd watched awkwardly.

"I deserved that," Norman said, his head hung low, he was always weak to stop his alter ego.

"Alright guys! It's time for you all to go back, is there anything any of you need because I am ready to press this button," Jack asked.

The other nodded, but Peter was ready to let go.

"But don't you guys want to see the Avengers and we also have the other planets, we could go on a-"

Toby interrupted him, "I wanna stay and hang out with you as well, but we can't stay here forever, though if you find a way to travel worlds, we could meet up sometime," Toby said.

"I love you guys," Andrew said with a weak voice, warning a slap in the back of the head by Max, "Stop being a weak baby,"

The three spidermen shared a hug as Jack secretly took a photo.

"Alright then, off you all go, me as well I guess," Jack said as he pushed the spell, slowly everyone that was not of the world began to slowly disappear as they gave their last goodbyes.

Jack looked at Strange, who did the same, "Don't wait or it will be too late, you know what I mean," Jack asked with a toothy grin, he had understood by now why the man was so snappy all the time.

Dr.Strange gave a nod as he looked at Jack.

Then Jack turned towards Peter, "And you, don't be scared of the future, People are idiots, the masses are easily controlled, show everyone with your hard work and gain their confidence, I have left a gift for you in your school locker, have a look,"

Jack slowly felt his body getting lighter as he disappeared from place, instantly arriving back into his world.


"Is that,"

"That's Jack silver, the strongest Avenger,"

Jack looked around him and noticed the group of young teenagers looking at him, some clicking photos of him,

'It seems I have arrived at the lab of my own world,'


Strange stood outside the door of his girlfriend, or former girlfriend's house as he looked for ways to escape this situation, though he was a smart person and knew exactly what needed to be done

"Let's hope this doesn't backfire, you bastard," Strange cursed at a certain Multiversal hero as he rang the doorbell,


Peter and his friends and Family stood in front of his door locker, waiting with anticipation as Peter slowly opened it,

"hurry up!" Ned exclaimed, the wait eating him from inside.

"I am," Peter yelled back, finally opening the locker to see a single usb sitting on it.

"Give it to me," Ned said as he opened his laptop.

Peter handed it over, once he did so, the USB got connected a single video was present, upon playing it, everyone was surprised by the content.

"Is this?"

"It's the footage from that night with Mysterio,"

"Oh my God! With this we can definitely prove your innocence," May exclaimed as she excitedly hugged her only family


Leaving her son and her friends aside, she immediately called the famous Matt Murdock and his affiliates.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3