Chapter 298

As soon as the green smoke spread, Dr.Connors felt the immense danger as he swiped at Peter once again, Tearing a gash on his stomach, causing immense pain as Peter tapped on his ear comms.

The small army of lizard men started to spasm in pain as they scratched their bodies, soon they all fell unconscious amidst the smoke as Peter looked around for signs of a Dr.Connors or a human with one arm as he saw how his previous nemesis electro looked a lot different and perhaps Connors too might look different.

"Doctor Connors! Are you here?" He questioned but didn't hear anything.

"Guys I lost him, he might be headed for the tunnel exist, let's meet up," Andrew said into the comms as he ran and swung his webs as fast as he could.

In the distance, he could see a giant lizard who was covering his nose with what looked like a piece of Peter's costume as he ran with large strides taking twists and turns that put even the spider to shame.

"Guys! He is heading for the exit, wait for my signal," Andrew yelled as he saw the lizard make a super jump, it seemed that the lizard was every syringe than before, the bastard had probably taken another dose of them.

The lizard blasted out of the sewer system and stepped onto the New York square, his head held high as he roared into the sky like a king declaring his emergence, finally resting his gaze on the three enemies that were in his way.

The three Spider-Men, Peter, Andrew, and Toby, stood shoulder to shoulder, their spider-sense tingling with anticipation. Before them, the Lizard-Man stood, his muscular frame towering over them.

The Lizard-Man let out a hiss, charging towards them with his claws raised high. Peter launched himself towards the Lizard-Man, his agility, and spider-sense allowing him to dodge the attacks with ease.

Andrew followed suit, launching a flurry of punches towards the Lizard-Man's face. Toby used his web-slinging abilities to zip around the creature, dodging its attacks and striking it with his own set of kicks and punches.

The Lizard-Man was fast, but the Spider-Men were faster. They worked together seamlessly, each one covering the other's blind spots and launching coordinated attacks.

For a moment, it looked like they might succeed in taking down the Lizard-Man. But, the creature was too powerful, too determined to be beaten.

With a roar, the Lizard-Man swung his tail towards Peter, who barely managed to dodge in time. The tail struck the ground, sending debris flying in all directions.

Andrew launched himself toward the Lizard-Man, his spider-sense warning him of an incoming attack. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's claws.

Toby used the distraction to land a powerful kick to the Lizard-Man's side, causing him to stumble. But the creature quickly regained its balance, launching a vicious counter-attack.

The Spider-Men were on the defensive, their spider-sense working overtime to keep them alive. They dodged, weaved, and flipped, using every trick in their arsenal to stay ahead of the Lizard-Man's attacks.

But it was only a matter of time before one of them made a mistake. Tobyfoot slipped on a piece of rubble, and the Lizard-Man saw his opportunity.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the creature lunged towards Toby, its jaws opening wide. But Peter was there, launching himself towards the Lizard-Man with all the strength he could muster.

He collided with the creature mid-air, sending it flying back several feet. The Lizard-Man landed with a thud, its body skidding across the ground.

Andrew rushed towards Toby, helping him to his feet. They turned towards Peter, who was locked in a fierce battle with the Lizard-Man.

The creature was enraged, its eyes blazing with fury. It charged towards Peter, swinging its claws with deadly intent. But Peter was ready, dodging and weaving with a grace that belied his age.

With a flick of his wrist, Peter sent a web-slinging towards the Lizard-Man's face, momentarily blinding it. He followed up with a flurry of punches, striking the creature's weak points with deadly accuracy.

The Lizard-Man roared in pain, swinging its tail towards Peter. But he was too quick, dodging to the side and striking the creature's legs with a series of kicks.

For a moment, it looked like the Spider-Men might succeed in taking down the Lizard-Man. But the creature was too powerful, too determined to be defeated.

With a final burst of energy, the Lizard-Man charged towards the Spider-Men, its jaws open wide. But they were ready, launching a coordinated attack that left the creature reeling.

Peter used his web-slinging abilities to tie up the creature's legs, immobilizing it. Andrew and Toby followed up with a flurry of punches and kicks, striking the creature's weak points with deadly accuracy.

The Lizard-Man let out a final roar, collapsing to the ground in a heap. The Spider-Men stood over it, their breathing heavy and,


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3