Chapter 306

Naturally the Avengers had to deal with the aftermath as they had moved to greenwich as if they were preparing for an emergency battle and many people had gotten the sniff of it.

So Fury was tasked with the duty to deal with this mess along with Natasha and Captain, these guys were more than happy to do it.

While Jack was having the time of his life by using the powerstones he had in comninatio as well as the skills he received by owning them.

The drain he would feel on the reality stone didn't occur once he used the powerstone as an energy source.

"I have the space, Power, mind and the reality stone, if I can't get the time stone, then I will have all infinity stones, though do I really need them, I feel like the threat of Thanos is that high bow that I am definitely more powerful than him," Jack thought as he made several devices ranging from modern to futuristic to things from fantasy world.

Jack who was busy playing around was bored as he thought what to do, the earth was safe for now and there weren't any high risk missions for the Avengers.

Life seemed to enter a dull stage for him who had become so powerful, though he still knew that there were still many things and beings that could kill him with a single touch.

Celestials, Knull, Galactus, Beyonder, villains from the universe 616, now that he knew and has already gone on one Marvel multiverse adventure, he knows there is a chance they might come over.

Fortunately, there isn't any TvA to mess up with him, plus there is the one above all as well as his associates or whatever.

Surtur might prove to be a bit hard to beat, plus all beings like Dormammu and Others such as Mephisto might be tricky to beat, Beings like cyttorak.

All these three had their own dimension which made them even stronger, giving them endless power and control as long as they were in their own dimension.

Suddenly Jack, who was thinking about these things while thinking of doing a mission to increase his sync rate to a hundred suddenly stopped as an interesting thought entered his mind.

"That's right! I can make my own dimension, it's certainly possible with the help of these stones," Jack who was bored with training all week suddenly felt energized as he disappeared from his place and arrived beside the Ancient one.

Ancient One who always had an air of tranquility on her was now much more expressive as she had left her duties to Doctor Strange who was still a newbie, but was gaining more and more experience with Wong as his buddy.

The sanctums had already been restored and Earth was safe from threats, but that wasn't the complete truth as according to the Ancient One, many demonic beings and extradimensional threats had passed through.

Which meant more and more work for the disciples of Kamartaj, the mystic masters had never been so busy in their life.

"So I can't give up the Time stone, besides, it's in the hands of Doctor Strange, so it's his choice if he wants to lend it to you," The Ancient One answered as she calmly drank her cola.

Jack could only sigh and try his luck with Doctor Strange, he only hoped that Strange would show him some respect for saving his dear teacher, or else he might just end up beating the narcissistic guy to the moon and back.


As expected, Steven Strange rejected Jack's request the second he heard without any thought.

Even after Jack promised many things, he wasn't willing so Jack could only sigh as he would have to build the dimension using the stones he had.

Though the dimension won't have the concept of time and maybe no life as well, he could always get some animals to populate the place.

The main question was, which kind of dimension did he want,

'Since a dimension is connected to me as I am its creator, which means that I can probably get the tailed beasts and Ddraig to stay there and live in it happily without losing their powers as they are still technically going to be a part of me.'

Needless to say, the tailed beasts in his body as well as the giant heavenly dragon were more than happy with this outcome and everyone started chipping in on what kind of dimension it should be.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3