Chapter 307 settle in

There were two main types of dimensions according to Jack's understanding, one that existed outside and one that existed within him.

Such as a simple dark dimension that existed in the multiverse and another kamui dimension that existed within a person and was personal to them, no one could invade it except a few exceptions.

'I guess I want to make an outer dimension, but ones that powers me and is belonging to me and me only,' Jack thought as he smiled in excitement.

He took out all the stones and used the juggernaut drive: infinity holder mode.

Needless to say Jack didn't just start anywhere but arrived at the edge of the universe and started working on it.

Using the space stone to its fullest, Jack started shaping and forming the space around him.

It took him a few days before he was satisfied with the size, the dimensional space he envisioned was supposed to be as big as a universe but his powers weren't that strong and he was only able to make a dimension as big as twice their solar system for now, though since he made it so that he was its master, the dimension would increase with his strength.

'Especially when I completely sync sentry and get the origin skill [magicule breeder reactor].'

Using the Rubble and asteroids from the surroundings that he had taken in during the formation process, Jack started using the reality stone and converted them into planets that could accept life.

He made as many planets as he could along with Suns and moons, Jack was really going all out, so much so that he felt like he was exhausted and rested for a while before he continued.

He made thirty liveable planets and three suns to provide sunlight and warmth.

Each planet had two moons to give moonlight.

Each planet was the size of Saturn or Earth, while the water to earth ratio in all of them was kept at 50 percent as Jack was always worried if the people would run out of places to live on Earth.

Once all of this was done, Jack felt his connection to the dimension become strong, the dimension started powering him as well.

He felt like he could do anything he wanted here, naturally all this was only possible because of The power stone and the mind stones that acted as the programmers and power sources of these places.

Though he made sure that the dimension would become self-sufficient, once the dimension was made, Jack's connection to it was complete and it disappeared from place.

It existed but neither inside the Marvel universe nor inside Jack, it just existed.

'I wonder if I can make life, or maybe I should just bring people from outside to live in it, I will remember to visit some worlds, if only Steven Strange was willing to give me the time stone, I would be able to experiment with life as well, maybe make a few chakra beasts and let them stay there.'

Jack had several plans but all of them either required a Time stone or soul stone, though that didn't mean he was done as he grabbed onto his connection with the dimension and appeared inside a beautiful world.

He appeared floating in the space of his dimension, looking around Jack was very happy with the things he had made, although most of the automated functions were created by using the mind stone, though no one would find out.

One of the best things about this dimension was that it could be molded into whatever Jack wanted it to be.

If he wanted, he could turn this place into a shinobi world or any other kind of world, though he really wanted to try a cultivation world.

'Sigh! I need the soul stone for that,'

Jack went to the nearest planet to him, this one was different from others as it consisted of nothing but rivers and sand along with small patches of forest biome.

"Alright Shukaku, you are free to go,"

Jack said as he threw Shukaku out and let him stay on the planet,


Jack didn't wait around as he went for the next planet which was much more suitable for Kurama and let him out as well, needless to say, the guy acted like a taundere,

Jack could only smile, he also made a few gateways through which Kurama could travel to shukaku and vice verse.

As he was about to leave, Kurama asked in a roundabout way if Jack could help his other siblings, to which Jack only smiled and told that he would have to wait a while,

Leaving Kurama behind who fell flat and soaked in the warmth of the sun, Jack traveled to the next planet, he didn't even need to use his abilities as his thoughts were enough for the dimension to do things on its own.

Jack arrived on another planet, this was the biggest planet Jack had made, it was filled with all possible biomes and had three moons and two suns that overlooked it.

"Are you ready to be let out partner?" Jack couldn't help but feel excited as he will be carrying out one of his promises today.

He had been thinking about giving Ddraig his freedom and body for a long while and now was the time, plus he still had all the powers of the people in his dimension as long as they had agreed to be a part of his dimension.

*Hnmmm let's do this*

Hearing the cheerful voice, Jack didn't wait long as he took out a giant body that was too big, once the body landed on the ground, it sent tremors in all directions.

"Alright Ddraig, Let's assimilate you,"

*I am ready when you are*



I was a little busy in real life and so couldn't find the time to give an update, though i am back to three uplaods a week again starting from today

Was busy helping with my big brother's house construction, it was extremely tiring and i wanted to kill myself, its still not complete but i have done most of the work anyway enjoy

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3