Chapter 311

The whole guild was in an uproar as they had already seen how strong Jean was and although no one spoke about it, they already felt that she was the new big sister of the guild.

"She is so much more kind than Erza…" someone who had been healed by her phoenix flames spoke up.

Although everyone had her use of Fire magic, they could tell that she had other abilities, heck! It might even be some kind of lost magic based on what they saw.

At this moment Macao who saw everyone enjoying themselves told him the rules of the guild, although the guild had been reduced to such a state, they hadn't forgotten their values.

"I am really interested in the magic you use Erza-san," Macao asked with an awkward smile as he wasn't used to recruiting members.

This was the first time someone had come to register themselves with Fairy Tail after the great disaster.

"Oh! Ah! I practice Phoenix Magic," Jean answered as she heard the telepathic message of Jack.

"Ohh! Phoenix magic," everyone was surprised, though they weren't knowledgeable enough to understand.

"What does it do exactly?" Macao asked with another awkward laugh, he had read most books in Fairy tail but none of them held knowledge regarding this magic.

"I can do everything a phoenix can, I have the phoenix flames for offense, defense and Support and I can use telekinesis and telepathy to talk, I can also fly," Jean began recounting the things she could do and it surprised everyone.

"You are so strong!" Everyone muttered,

"And what about you Silver-san?"

Macao asked, for some reason he didn't feel awkward talking with Jack.

"Me, I can use any magic I want," Jack replied with a smile.

Needless to say his words left everyone dumbfounded.

Jack didn't stop as he proceeded to use various elements and then shifted on making items appear out of thin air.

His claim wasn't a lie as with the help of Great sage he had already scanned everyone and had access to their magic.

"T-Thats great, welcome to the guild you two," Macao couldn't help but shed a few tears as he asked them where they wanted the guild symbol.

Jack got his in red color on his biceps while Jean got it on the back of her left hand in the same color.

"Welcome to Fairy tail!" Everyone did another round of applause.

Jack and Jean really enjoyed the festive atmosphere of the guild and drank and laughed with the others.

Jean was thinking how nice it would be if she and her fellow Mutants could openly use their powers without the fear of being can outcasts like how she could in this world.

Jack could only sigh as he felt her emotions, the night soon came and the two were allowed to stay in the guild as they didn't have any place else to crash tonight.

Though Jack had a sudden thought of using the chaos magic or just using Reality stone to make some money but decided against it as he was currently on an adventure.

"Sigh! According to my estimates, there are only three months or so left before the grand magic games, so The guild …lamia scale or whatever will be coming to help Fairy tail in locating Natsu and the others, I also have this mission, I wonder if I should just help them myself," Jack muttered as he looked at the starry sky.

"Nahhh! Let's just go with the flow, though I can't wait to fight with the dragons that will arrive later on," Jack thought excitedly.

Fairy tail was a world that he adored from a young age when he used to watch anime, in fact

The reason he had started dabbling into anime was because of Death Note, Bleach and Fairy tail.

Jack felt the presence of Jean and turned towards her to notice her looking at him, she sat down beside him and the two started talking telepathically.

Jack felt like he could spend an eternity here talking to her, though Jean soon fell asleep as he escorted her back to the farm and laid her down on a comfy bed he conjured with his powers.


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