Chapter 312

As expected the Original cast of Fairy Tail hadn't been taken out of their slumber yet, although the guild had turned lively due to the emergence of two new members.

It was still but gloomy, which prompted Jack to ask around and finally, it was Macao who was willing to talk about the matter.

Though he was more surprised that Jack didn't know much about Fairy tail but everything was alright once he lied and told them he wasn't originally from Fiore.

Macao went on to explain what Tenrou island was and what happened to the others, Jack couldn't help but feel respect for the Fairy tail members that had stayed even after such circumstances.

"Romeo hasn't smiled in a long time, huhuhuuuuuu!" Macao started crying as he kept drinking.

"It's alright, I believe that they will surely return one day," Jack reassured as he patted the man on his back.

"Thanks for that, it's been really hard without Master Makarov and the others," Macao said as he wiped the tears.

'Maybe I should just go and take those guys out of their slumber, it shouldn't be hard to look for them, besides, only three months are left until the grand magic games, they should have come back by now.'

Tom's thoughts were interrupted once Jean suddenly shouted,

"Jack! Let's find the other members," she said.

'I guess it's decided then,' Jack smiled wryly as he looked at the overly excited Jean.

It seems she wanted some fantasy adventure, plus she always wants to help people in need, someone must have mentioned it and now she wants to help.

"Alright," Jack nodded as Jean immediately pulled him into a hug filled with excitement.

"A-are you guys sure, I am not saying I don't want them to return but I -"

"It's useless!" Suddenly Macao along with others were suddenly silenced by the voice of a boy who stood in front of Jack with anger in his eyes accompanied by silence.

"They are gone and nothing can change that! So stop stepping on their memories like this, I will make sure to return Fairy tail to its former glory," Romeo said with conviction as he summoned his black flames.

'This kid is cocky,' Jack couldn't help but think.

Though what he thought was similar in line with Jean.


She punched the kid hard on the head causing a small bump to form on his head.

"Stop spouting bullshit kid, Macao tells me you are being an idiot, and I couldn't agree more, is it wrong for a person to miss their family, in fact, you are the one who is trampling on the feelings of everyone here." She huffed as she continued.

"It seems to me like you are still a lousy arrogant kid who hasn't seen the world, you ate the one who hasn't moved on," she concluded.

The eyes of Romeo began to fill up with tears, but he held it in, stood up and left.

"You shouldn't have done that," Jack sighed as he looked at the kid who was running away.

Originally he wanted to teach the kid a lesson as well, but decided that a direct approach wouldn't be good and instead wanted to make a bet with him.

Though his plans were ruined in a sense with Jean acting out.

"Everyone, me and Jack will be leaving for the sea, I promise to bring them back within a month if they are alive or dead," Jean responded resolutely as she held Jack's hands and flew away.

Once she left, those that were left couldn't help but feel that this girl was too headstrong, the idea that she was like Erza Was now even more cemented in their heads.


Jack said nothing as the both of them flew through the skies and arrived at what was the seaside.

"Should we fly all the way or…."

"Of course! Let's get ourselves a ship," Jean shouted excitedly as her body was covered in a fiery glow before she changed into a pirate's attire.

Jack smiled as he also changed his clothes,

What appeared in place was a white haired Jack sparrow wannabee.

"Woah! Change with me," Jean said.

"Nope! There can only be one Jack sparrow and that's me," Jack replied resolutely, no way was he gonna give this away.

The two bickered for a while until they finally reached the docks.

As expected, with the money they had, they couldn't afford a lavish ship, but considering that Macao wasn't planning on them leaving for the sea, the amount was enough to only live a few weeks.

Jack didn't want to go on a boat as he didn't know how far the place was, so he used Chaos magic as the area descended into an aproas as a giant ship came into existence.

The insignia of Fairy tail was plastered on it.

"What the hell!"

"Where did this ship come from,"

"Are the royalty planning on going on some sea adventure,"

"Idiot! Does that look like a royal symbol,"

One of the onlookers pointed at the symbol of Fairy tail.

"I seem to have seen that symbol somewhere,"

"Yeah me too!"

"Holy! Isn't that the fairy tail, a guild that became the worst guild due to the events that transpired on one of its mission,"

The onlookers kept talking as some even took pictures. The giant ship was very eye catching with its white color and red sails.

"Let's set sail,"

"Aye aye captain," Jean shouted as the ship suddenly picked speed and left the shore.


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